Kent State photography exhibit features Massillon High School football

Stephen Means II

Kent State’s School of Art Galleries will feature the Massillon High School football team in a display called “Tiger Legacy: Playing for Your City.”

The display highlights the culture of high school football in Massillon, Ohio. The exhibit will run from Sept. 3-25.

The gallery is one part of a larger project called the “Tiger Legacy” project.  

Another feature, “Our Tiger Football Family,” will be displayed simultaneously from Sept. 13 to Nov. 1 at the Massillon Museum.

“The Tiger Legacy project focused on images that depict commitment, connection and a cultural experience that is unique to Massillon,” according to the project’s website.

Kent State professors Gary Harwood and David Foster directed seven photography students, who spent the last four years covering the high school football team.

The Tigers have been a staple on the national scene, and their rivalry with Canton McKinley High School is thought to have been an influence in the development of the NFL.

The School of Art Gallery is located on the second floor of the School of Art building (400 Janik Drive.)

Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday.

Contact Anderson Turner, director of galleries, at [email protected] or (330)-672-1369 for more information.

Contact Stephen Means at s[email protected]