Opinion: A new country on the rise?

Albert J. Fisler is a junior English major and a  columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected].

Albert J. Fisler

Across the pond in the United Kingdom, Scotland is fighting for its independence. However, this fight is far from the violence of Braveheart. Since 2007, the Scottish National Party (SNP) has rallied its members around the idea of Scottish independence from the United Kingdom, and on Sept. 18 of this year, Scotland will be holding a referendum to decide whether it will be an independent country or not.

This political movement has not only the United Kingdom divided, but Scotland as well. While the idea of independence has many Scots beaming with cultural pride, there are still many who dislike the idea of independence, wondering how the split from the United Kingdom will affect the new country economically and politically. This potential split would leave a bitter taste in the mouth of the United Kingdom, as the Queen warns, “…I hope people will think very carefully about the future,” according to The Guardian. Other British officials continue to clearly advise the Scottish that this change will be permanent, and there will be no turning back.

The concept of independence for Scotland is no new idea, as it has struggled with its neighbor, England, for centuries. Scotland formally united with England in 1707. However, in recent years, political tension has upset Scotland and most of its citizenry, and its patriotic citizens with a booming culture believe Scotland would be better off as its own, independent country. The movement for Scottish independence is more about Scotland taking new steps forward into the future, rather than the result of historical vendettas and grudges held against England.

Nevertheless, I find the potential split of Scotland from the United Kingdom intriguing, as Great Britain may be considered one of the few empires of the Earth still standing. Once upon a time, the British Empire stretched as far as India and South Africa, as well as the colonies in the United States. Over the past few centuries the British Empire — like every other empire before it — has slowly collapsed. From the Roman, the Ottoman, or the Mongolian, empires either collapse or shrink to a single country.

Either way, I can foresee Scotland gaining its independence from Great Britain, even if it doesn’t officially happen this Thursday. I view Scotland as already independent and too restless for Great Britain to contain. Despite what economic or political challenges it may face coming right out of the gate, I believe Scotland has what it takes to become a great, independent country in the future, all on its own.

Contact Albert J. Fisler at [email protected].