Keeping the ‘Freshman 15’ off with exercise

Jenna Francis

Being consistent with workouts and counting calories are two ways to avoid the “freshman 15” and live a healthy lifestyle.

Ben Cope, fitness coordinator in the Department of Recreational Services, said it is easy to lose track of weight gain during the first year of college because students are no longer having dinner cooked for them by their parents and many are less active because they were athletes in high school. Cope said if a person consumes 500 more calories than they burn every day for a week they would gain one pound.

“So literally the first three months of school that could be 12 pounds right there,” Cope said. “The biggest thing is the combination of the two – the cardio and the strength training – together. Obviously you can do one or the other, but when you combine the two that’s when your body really starts to respond quickly.”

To make sure students have the chance to stay active and healthy, Kent State offers many opportunities to get the government recommended 150 minutes of physical activity a week.

Students taking at least five credit hours have unlimited access to the Recreation Center and can attend the 110 fitness classes the Recreation Center offers for $40.

The Recreation Center isn’t the only place on campus where students can find a workout.

The School of Health Sciences in the college of Education, Health and Human Services offers several one credit hour workout classes such as yoga, pilates, kickboxing and boot camp.

Dr. Gloria Gonzalez, assistant professor in the Foundation, Leadership and Administration department, said it is important for students to not only exercise their mind but also exercise their bodies. 

“We want the students to know that they are supposed to be rigor in the class and it’s not just show up to class and get a grade. It is come out and actually do the activity,” Gonzalez said. “There’s something for everybody.”

Gonzalez said one of the most popular classes for students to take is the boot camp class.

“Boot camp is where the students are put through high intensity paced workouts, but they can do it at their own level. They want them to go all out, but everybody’s all out is different and the instructors know that,” Gonzalez said. 

Instructors not only impress faculty members but also students.

Megan Duffy, senior photo illustration major, said she took the boot camp class last year.

“My teacher was awesome he taught us a lot about pushing ourselves,” Duffy said.