Mini Maker’s Faire comes to KSU

Christopher Woods

The University Libraries have partnered with other departments around campus, including the Blackstone LaunchPad, for the first Kent State Mini Maker’s Faire on April 24.

Hilary Kennedy, manager of the Student Multimedia Studio, said the event will showcase different crafting technology and ideas.

“It’s a showcase of what people are working on and learning,” Kennedy said. “It covers a wide variety of topics; it can be highly technological with 3-D printing, all the way down to handmade productivity like knitting or crocheting.” 

Kennedy said there are currently 25 participants in the event, including the College of the Arts Fashion TechStyle Lab, who created the event; the College of Architecture and Environmental Design’s Digital Fabrication Facility, which will be showcasing 3-D printing; and the University Libraries, including the Student Multimedia Studio, which will demonstrate a 3-D pen tool.

“It’s a really wide assortment of people, interests and activities,” Kennedy said. “There’s a professor from architecture, and he is producing an architectural installation that participants will be able to walk under and experience,” Kennedy said. “It’ll be a very large piece; he’s also going to be 3-D printing joints and building a structure using those plastic joints.”

Kennedy said anyone can apply. Those who are interested can contact Kennedy at  [email protected].  

Contact Christopher Woods at [email protected].