News on the Go: March 18, 2014

Taylor Williams

U.S. Navy SEALs seized an oil tanker Monday off the Mediterranean island of Cyprus, stopping a Libyan militia attempt to sell the shipload of oil. This attempt was a symbol of the weaknesses of Libya’s central government, which has been unable to impose its authority over the nation since the killing of Moammar Gadhafi in 2011. (Read full story here.)

Fashion designer and celebrity stylist L’Wren Scott was found dead Monday in Manhattan of a possible suicide, officials said. Recently, Scott, who was dating Mick Jagger, created a more affordable line of clothing with Banana Republic following her high-end label in 2006.

New uncertainty about the missing Malaysian plane was revealed Monday after officials suggested the final voice transmission from the cockpit might have occurred before any of the communications systems were disabled. Officials are now unsure as to who aboard the plane might be to blame for the disappearance of Flight 370 on March 8. (Read full story here.)

R&B artist Chris Brown was sentenced to another month in jail Monday after a judge was told he made troubling comments in rehab about being good at using guns and knives. Rehab officials said his comment was in response to an exercise in which he was asked to reflect on what he has excelled at.

Information is from the Associated Press.