Psych Services understaffed, no waiting list

Hannah Reed

Kent State’s Psychological Services has experienced understaffing issues this semester, resulting in students being put on a waiting list for more than two weeks.

Psychological Services is available to students with mental health concerns. It is part of University Health Services and located in the DeWeese Health Center on campus. 

Pamela Farer-Singleton, chief psychologist, said the current staff consists of

six full-time and three part-time clinicians. 

“We see students as soon as we can get them in, whatever fits their schedule,” Farer-Singleton said. “It would take a week or two depending on how late it is in the semester.” 

Farer-Singleton said now is the time the clinic sees the biggest amount of students.

“Right now we have a lot of people coming in with midterms,” Farer-Singleton said. “A third to halfway through the semester is when we see more students.”

Farer-Singleton said to make an appointment, students call the office and set up the intake assessment to gauge what kind of psychological help is needed.  She said during this time, general services, fee structure and insurance are discussed.

“We try to make services very affordable, much lower than the usual customer rate in the community,” Farer-Singleton said. 

Farer-Singleton also said the clinic offers individual counseling, couples and family counseling and testing. She added that most of the students the clinic sees present symptoms of anxiety and depression, and most of those are due to interpersonal conflict. 

“We provide the services, we don’t limit them,” Farer-Singleton said. “We try to meet them where they are and get them through.” 

 Farer-Singleton said there is not currently a waitlist in place, but there has been one before.

“We sometimes get bombarded with requests for assistance,” Farer-Singleton said. “In the past, we have had a waitlist, but we were provided additional staffing through Enrollment Management and Student Affairs.” 

Kathy Biser, Psychological Services receptionist, said there is a chance a waiting list will be necessary after spring break.

“We’re pretty close to a waiting list now,” Biser said. “We don’t have one now, but I would say by the beginning of April we may because all of the clinicians are pretty full.”

Contact Hannah Reed at [email protected].