Students to nominate faculty for research and scholarship award

Nicholas Sewell

Students are now eligible to nominate a faculty member for an Outstanding Researcher and Scholarship award.

This award recognizes Kent State’s exceptional faculty researchers and scholars.

The award is based on the quality of research and scholarship and its impact on society performed by a Kent State faculty member.

The file of each nominee will be submitted to a panel of four experts. Each of the panelists will create a written appraisal of the nominee’s research, scholarship or creative activity.  

This appraisal will then be reviewed by the Outstanding Research and Scholarship Review Committee, and the recipients will then be chosen.

A ceremony and reception to honor the recipients of this award will be held Wednesday, April 16, at 5 p.m. in Cartwright Hall. The award is sponsored by the Division of Research and Sponsored Programs (RASP) and the University Research Council.

Nominations are now available, and students can nominate by visiting

The deadline for the nominations is March 1st.

Contact Nicholas Sewell at [email protected].