Students apply TeleProductions knowledge to Super Bowl experience


Kent StateTeleProductions student workers Chris Nyman and Mike Donelan travelled to Met Life Stadium to cover Photo Super Bowl XLVIII for Fox Mexico Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014.

Heather Inglis

Two students from the Kent State TeleProductions team got the opportunity to cover Super Bowl XLVIII and said they found themselves highly prepared for the job.

“It was just like an ESPN3 shoot we would do, just on a larger scale,” said Chris Nyman, senior electronic media production major.  “It was very simple to take stuff we’ve done in the past and take it to the Super Bowl. We just had to add a little more onto it.”

Nyman and sophomore EMP student Mike Donelan were selected to cover Super Bowl XLVIII for Fox Mexico. Both students ran booth cameras, which means they shoot the talent from the press box shot.

Senior media specialist, Tracy Baughman, said he was proud of the pair and of the department.

“We’re very proud of those guys and they’re not the only ones we have,” Baughman said. “It’s a nice system we have going here. We have a lot of kids involved, and there’s lots of opportunity for experience.”

Donelan and Nyman said they got a glimpse of the struggles that go on during high-profile events like this. Both said the experience was very tiring and stressful, but the most challenging aspect was the language barrier when communicating with the crew for Fox Mexico.

“TV is a lot of communication, and if you can’t understand what’s going on, it makes it a little tougher,” Donelan said.

They said it wasn’t all stress, however, and that there were some really cool parts of their time spent in New Jersey. Having the chance to stand on the same field as some of his favorite professional athletes is what Nyman said was his favorite part.

“Just being there was breathtaking,” Nyman said. “We were able to get on the field Friday and Saturday and just soak it in.”

Donelan said he got to save some post-victory confetti and stood feet away from Bruno Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers after their rehearsal performances. He said the coolest thing he did was see Peyton Manning in his viewfinder.

“I was pointing my camera and broadcasting Peyton Manning to thousands of people,” Donelan said. “It was cool.”

Baughman, Donelan and Nyman said they encourage anyone who is interested in covering events like the Super Bowl to get involved with anything he or she can.

“In our business, in the broadcast business and in the production world, a diploma will get you a job interview; your experience will get you the job,” Baughman said. “Whether it’s TeleProductions, TV2 or any other of the number of things here to do, just get involved and learn as much as you possibly can.”

The experiences Donelan and Nyman had in TeleProductions prior to the Super Bowl trip are what they said got them to shooting the Super Bowl. They also said this was an experience that definitely stands out.

“I’ve been on other professional fields, but it’s different when it’s the Super Bowl and everything says ‘Super Bowl,’” Donelan said. “The whole thing was great.”

For more information on TeleProductions, visit

Contact Heather Inglis at [email protected].