News on the go: Jan. 29, 2014

Celia Fernandez

Lethal injections have been in a short supply for quite some time, and lawmakers in some death-penalty states have said they are looking into alternative ways to replace the injection. Lawmakers are considering bringing back more gruesome methods like firing squads, gas chambers and electrocutions.

Google announced Tuesday that its glasses with head-mounted displays are getting four new options for frames that will support prescription lenses. In addition to that, the tech giant announced their glasses will also come in new shapes for detachable sunglasses.

The Syrian government condemned Tuesday the decision the United States made to resume aid to the opposition in the war-torn country. This decision has prompted the U.N. mediator to suspend peace talks and give time for both sides to reconsider their positions.

Celia Fernandez is an assigning editor for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected].