News on the go: Sept. 27, 2013

Carrie Blazina

After a Thursday meeting between Iran, the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and Germany, the senior officials of the countries have agreed to meet again next month about Iran’s nuclear program. Calling the Thursday meeting substantial, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said the negotiators will be meeting in Geneva from Oct. 15-16. Thursday’s meeting marked the highest-level in-person contact between Iran and the United States, who was represented by Secretary of State John Kerry, in six years. (read full story)

Texas state senator Wendy Davis, a Democrat who rose to prominence with a filibuster against an abortion restriction bill, is running for governor next year, sources said Thursday. Two Democrats confirmed her decision with the Associated Press, and she is expected to have an official campaign launch Oct. 3. Davis’ Republican competitor would be Attorney General Greg Abbott, who is considered the early favorite to replace Gov. Rick Perry. (read full story)

The owners of a Colorado cantaloupe farm whose tainted cantaloupe killed 33 people in 2011 pleaded not guilty Thursday to misdemeanor charges. The charges are related to not adequately cleaning their cantaloupe, which people in 28 states ate. The listeria outbreak was the deadliest foodborne illness epidemic in 25 years, and the number of deaths is the main reason prosecutors say they are prosecuting this unusual case.

New York police said six people have been arrested related to throwing a huge party and trashing the home of former NFL player Labor Day weekend. Brian Holloway, former New England Patriots offensive lineman, said the number of arrests could increase to the hundreds as more of the 400 people who attended the party are identified. Holloway helped identify some suspects by reposting pictures of the event from social-media websites.

Contact Carrie Blazina at [email protected].