News On The Go: January 16, 2013

Maura Zurich

Pakistani Supreme Court ordered the arrest of Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf and other political officials Tuesday. The Prime Minister faces accusations of illegal payments for electricity-generating projects. Prior to becoming prime minister, Ashraf was the minister of water and power. In addition to the arrest, Pakistani citizens rallied in protest of the government adding to the ongoing political turbulence.

Two blasts at a university in Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, killed more than 80 people, according to anti-regime activists. The cause of the blasts is unknown, but the blasts were powerful enough to destroy dormitory walls. Anti-regime activists said President Bashar al-Assad and his forces caused the incident by carrying out two airstrikes on the city, but Syrian media blamed the rebels fighting the president. Since the Syrian crisis began in March 2011, the UN reported that more than 60,000 civilians have been killed.

French officials heightened security in all airports and the Eiffel Tower after the government received numerous threats. France’s involvement to stop Islamist insurgents in Mali has angered extremists who live in France, as well as those outside of the country. French citizens fear President Francois Hollande’s military operation in the former West African colony has upset French residents who sympathize with insurgents’ movement. Holland hopes to stop al-Qaeda and other extremists, but stated the heightened security is a precaution to protect his citizens. After a coup d’etat last year, Mali has been faced with political instability.

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A gunman at a St. Louis business school shot an administrator as well as himself Tuesday. Police said the gunman was a student at the Stevens Institute of Business and Arts, but no additional details have been released. Police arrived within a minute of a call about the shooting. Both the administrator and the gunman have been in surgery.

New York’s assembly passed the toughest law regarding gun control in the nation. It is the first law to be passed since the shooting in Newtown. The law includes bans on assault weapons and provisions to prevent mentally ill people from obtaining guns. The measure was passed Tuesday with a vote of 104-43.

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Maura Zurich is the nation and world editor for the Daily Kent Stater.