Alumni visit Kent State for homecoming parade

Trenton Chavez

Despite cold weather and the threat of rain, hundreds of Kent State alumni, students, faculty, and staff celebrated the start of Homecoming festivities with the annual Homecoming parade Saturday morning.

The parade, sponsored by the Kent State Alumni Association, was created to bring University affiliates together, according to Jacquelyn Willis, Homecoming parade co-chair and junior entrepreneurship major.

“Battle of the Decades, this year’s theme, was a huge success,” Willis said. “It was great to see everyone excited and smiling brightly. I really enjoyed working with the alumni, especially.”

The parade included a total of 85 entries, Willis said. Parade participants decorated their floats to symbolize one of the ten decades Kent State has been in existence and traveled from campus to Main Street.

“It was really great to see the diversity of float entries,” Willis said.

Erica Mrozenski, sophomore early childhood education major, volunteered with the homecoming parade.

“All the floats were unique and fun,” Mrozenski said.

Many alumni said they look forward to attending Homecoming each year and enjoy revisiting the campus.

Patti Racheck, a 1985 graduate, and her boyfriend Dennis Broda, a 1971 graduate, said they have made Homecoming an annual trip.

“We’ve been coming to Kent State’s Homecoming every year,” Racheck said. “This is truly one of my boyfriend’s favorite memories of his life. We can’t wait to come back again next year.”

Both students and staff agreed that the parade was a success.

“Morale was so high and attendees were riled up,” Rebecca Neal, human development and family studies major, said. Neal volunteered to help conduct the parade.

Carrie Circosta, assistant director of Alumni Rleations, said she was pleased with the crowd along the parade route.

“The weather was cold, but oh my gosh, the turnout was fantastic,” Circosta said.

Contact Trenton Chavez at [email protected].