Best of social media for Obama’s speech

Carrie Blazina

[View the story “Best of social media for Obama’s speech” on Storify]

Best of social media for Obama’s speech

Storified by · Wed, Sep 26 2012 19:39:12

The girl constantly playing with her hair in the background hasn’t clapped once… #POTUS #KWObama #webcastDavid Foster
The crowd leapt to their feet when the President said women are responsible for decisions made about their body. #KWObamaAngela Pino
You know, just in case. #KWObama Tunney
#balloonobama Blazina
A Copley resident and volunteer in Akron wears a makeshift Obama hat to show her support. #KWObama DeGeorge
I can’t even hear what @barackobama is saying because of all the approving cheers in this place! #KWObamaJosh Minnick
“FIRED UP, READY TO GO!!!” @TheBurrMagazine #KWObama C.
“I didn’t even know there were this many people in Ohio.” —child in line to see @BarackObama speak at Kent State. #KWObama_naikens
All of the discarded umbrellas. #KWObama Pino
Still in shock…I just saw Barack freaking Obama live! #ObamaInKent #kwobama #4MOREYEARSMatt John

Curated by Carrie Blazina. Contact her at [email protected].