Students line up early Monday for tickets to see Obama

Update: No more tickets are available for Obama’s speech.

Risman Plaza

Students lined up at the ‘K’ on Risman Plaza as early as 3:30 a.m. Monday to get tickets to attend President Obama’s speech in the M.A.C. Center Wednesday.

Some students stood, while others brought chairs while they waited in line for their tickets.

Sophomore public relations major Morgan Jupina was one of the first people in line after only about a half hour of sleep.

“It’s been freezing and we didn’t get any sleep, but it’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and you’ve got to take it,” Jupina said.

Volunteers began passing out tickets at approximately 9:00 a.m.

President Lester Lefton walked the ticket line, shaking people’s hands and posing for pictures with them. As students moved through the line, some danced as they received their tickets.

“I’m so happy I get to see Obama,” said Ariel Brownlee, freshman public health major. “Words can’t describe how I feel.”

As of about 10:15 a.m., the line for tickets still stretched down the esplanade and around the corner near the Honors College.

As of 10:50 a.m., tickets had not sold out at Risman Plaza.

At around 11 a.m., OFA-Kent ran out of tickets and started having to turn people away.

Check back on for more updates.

Contact Audrey Fletcher at [email protected].

KentWired Video

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Video by Justin Rockhold.

Obama For America Headquarters in Kent

Kent State University students and community members began waiting in line early Monday morning, as early as 3:30 a.m., for a chance to see Barack Obama.

By 10 a.m., the line that began at the Obama for America headquarters on Water Street in Kent continued around the corner on Bowman Drive and extended to Vine Street.

The headquarters began giving out tickets at 9 a.m. and planned to hand them out until 6 p.m., but tickets were gone by around 11a.m.

OFA-Kent also had volunteers at the site to help people register to vote.

Brandon Stephens, a freshman Criminology and Justice Studies major and vice president of The College Democrats, said early voting will be crucial to Obama’s campaign.

“The most important thing students can do to support President Obama is to make sure they register and vote. We have a real opportunity to change the course of this election by making sure that our voices are heard,” Stephens said. “Mitt Romney has no path to the White House that doesn’t include Ohio. That’s why it’s so critical that this year, Ohio Votes Early.”

Some students skipped class to obtain their tickets and many parents took grade school and high school children out of school for the day for a chance to see the president.

Local 8th grader Cassandra said she was glad she missed school for her ticket.

“I’m really excited to hear what the president has to say about taxes and money,” Cassandra said. “I want to know how it will affect my family.

Freshman Destini Cleveland said she is very excited to see Obama and hopes he will address various economic and educational issues.

“He is an inspirational, ambitious black male,” Cleveland said. “I am excited to see what he wants to accomplish if he’s reelected.”

Contact Drew Parker at [email protected].