4 more floors placed under quarantine

A notice placed on the door that connects Olson Hall and Lake Hall informing students of the quarantine. Photo taken by Troy Pierson. 

Sara Crawford Opinion editor

A total of 305 students and eight floors are currently under quarantine, with the latest date going until Oct. 21. 

Each dorm was informed via a community update email from Jill Jenkins, executive director of residence services, regarding their dorm and/or their surrounding dorms. 

“Today, new quarantine orders were issued for 138 students at Allyn, Clark, Lake and Manchester Halls,” a media statement from the university said. “As part of our mitigation strategy, Kent State has set aside rooms for residence hall students who need to quarantine (close contact) or who need to be isolated (positive test result).”

Rooms 219-243 (not including 242) on the second floor of Lake Hall are all quarantined until Oct. 20. 25 people were informed that they would be placed into quarantine. 

Rooms 401-421 on the fourth floor in Manchester Hall are all quarantined until Oct. 20. This results in a total of 24 students quarantined.

In addition, Allyn Hall has notified a total of 59 students living on the third floor that they will be quarantined starting today and going until Oct. 21. 

There have been 30 residents in Clark Hall living on the second floor that have been placed into quarantine starting today and going until Oct. 20. 

This is in addition to the following quarantines

  • 42 students on the ninth floor of Koonce Hall starting on Oct. 3 and ending on Oct. 16 

  • 57 residents on the fourth floor of Fletcher Hall starting on Oct. 8 and ending on Oct. 20

  • 53 residents on the third floor of Fletcher Hall starting on Oct. 8 and ending on Oct. 19

  • 15 residents on the third floor of Centennial Court E starting on Oct. 3 and ending Oct. 16.

As of midnight Thursday, there will be a total of 57 students that will have their quarantine lifted, with 110 more students exiting quarantine later in the week.

Sara Crawford is an opinion editor. Contact her at [email protected]. 


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