Fashion students show their thrift-store savvy

Danielle DeBord

The Third Annual Goodwill Fashion Show will take place March 9 at 9 p.m. in Rockwell Auditorium.

Three years ago, the Goodwill Fashion Show was originally used to raise money for the Annual Fashion Show, but now it is an event of the Fashion Student Organization.

For the Goodwill Fashion Show, the roles are reversed. The fashion merchandising majors are styling the outfits and fashion design majors are the judges.

There will be a first, second and third place winner. All winners receive Visa gift cards and a photo shoot with Mindy Sue Photography.

So far, there are about 20 merchandising majors styling an outfit and there are about 30 looks to be modeled in the show.

All items used in the styling of outfits must be purchased from Goodwill, The Salvation Army or any other thrift stores. Vintage stores, however, are excluded. All accessories must be bought at a thrift store also, and shoes are simply encouraged to be bought at a thrift store.

“You can do things to make it look better, like belt things or add a jacket to make it look less boxy,” FSO president Brittany Mizelle said, “ but for the most part there is no sewing.”

There is not a spending limit for stylists, but they do need provide receipts for the items to show they were bought from a thrift store.

Tickets are $3 and will be sold at the door. All money raised will be donated to the Fashion Student Organization.

Contact Danielle DeBord at [email protected].