Kent State police officers answer students’ questions

Jennifer Shore

Two Kent State police officers answered questions from a dozen students on topics ranging from search warrants to sexual assault in the Kiva last night.

As a part of Women’s History Month, Women’s Liberation Collective co-sponsored the event with other organizations to help students raise awareness of their basic rights.

Beth Vild, member of the WLC, said that even though the event wasn’t specifically geared toward women, most of the questions asked by the WLC pertained to sexual assault.

“We work hand in hand with the victim to determine what they want done,” said Lt. Monica Moll. “On the other side of it is how are we going to protect the community if this seems like it could be an ongoing threat.”

Moll said that on a college campus like this, it’s usually an instance where things got out-of-hand with an acquaintance, and in the 13 years of her working with the KSUPD, she has never encountered a stranger-rape scenario.

“I think it’s more important for women in case of sexual assault to understand the system,” Moll said. “The reason I say that is just because women tend to be victims of sexual assault more often than men. So, it’s going to be more important for them to be informed because it happens to them more often.”

Victoria Bussberg, sophomore political science major, said the event was very informative and people need to report sexual assault in order to get help from hospitals or be counseled.

To help ease the fear of getting in trouble for helping a friend in need, a Good Samaritan Policy is being introduced. Officer Jeff Futo said the most important thing is getting help for someone who needs it. He said if you call because your friend is in trouble, they are not looking to take any action against anybody.

Moll said that every citizen should know their rights, what government officials are allowed to do and what they are not allowed to do. The forum was the kind of event for students to get to know their rights, but Moll said that if students have any other questions they should ask any officer or public official.

Contact arts and sciences reporter Jennifer Shore at [email protected].