Haunted Moments

During the Halloween season, there always seems to be talk of paranormal experiences. We asked you about experiences you’ve and here’s what you said.

A scream in the night

Cemeteries tend to be thought of as haunted. But when Eric Dziczkowski decided to take a night hike through an old cemetery, he didn’t expect to encounter anything out of the ordinary.

With his younger brother and two cousins, the sophomore justice studies major headed to Terra Vista Cemetery in Cuyahoga County around 1 a.m.

After an uneventful hike, they headed back to their cars – but not peacefully. A blood-curdling child’s scream stopped them in their tracks.

As they continued, the scream echoed once again.

Knowing they were the only ones in the cemetery, they hurried back to the cars with the unexplained scream resonating in their minds.

– Courtney Kerrigan

A mysterious figure

Samantha Gray, junior fashion merchandising major, was the only person upstairs when her peripheral vision caught something black in the hallway of her house.

She glanced at her door, expecting to see her black cat passing by.

Instead, she witnessed the back of a black figure rounding the corner to the steps.

– Courtney Kerrigan

A message from ‘Mary’

Lauren Caraotta, junior art education major, never believed in the “Ouija” board . until she met Mary.

Although it was during the day, she and a friend found the only room in the house without windows – the bathroom.

After shutting the lights off and lighting a candle, they strategically placed their fingertips on the edge of the message indicator.

Caraotta and her friend immediately began asking the typical questions, and the indicator led them to spell out “Mary,” “bad” and “murder.”

Still not convinced, they asked who else was with her. The indicator started spelling D-E-M-O. In fear it would spell out ‘demons,’ Caraotta snapped her hands back thinking the indicator would stop moving.

Instead, Caraotta saw her friend’s eyes closed, fingertips barely touching and the indicator still going.

– Courtney Kerrigan

A gentle spirit

Sophomore art major Meghan Turner wasn’t a believer of paranormal activity until she saw it with her own eyes.

Turner and her family experienced something very unusual when they went to her aunt’s house for her cousin’s ninth birthday party. They came in contact with her Aunt Krista’s deceased husband and soul mate, Bubba, who passed away in 2006.

Bubba was Turner’s uncle. She said he was a loving man, whom her aunt met in high school and fell head over heels in love with. Turner said Bubba was always there to make people laugh and to protect them from harm.

When Bubba passed away, the family was devastated. This year, they realized that maybe he isn’t gone – in spirit.

When Turner and her family were at her cousin’s birthday party, Amanda, a family friend, took a picture of the young girls goofing off. After Amanda took the photo, she stared at the camera screen, wide-eyed and mouth opened. She was shaking so bad when she handed the camera to Krista. Bubba appeared in the photo.

Turner said she and her family usually don’t believe in ghosts or paranormal activity. But they had a sudden change of heart when they saw the photo.

“We just stared and thought, ‘Oh my God,'” Turner said.

Turner said she and her aunt believe this was his way of being a part of the family in spirit, and because of that experience, the family has created a memorial site in remembrance of Bubba. They have not seen his spirit since that day in March.

– Whitney Chaffin