Lefton connects to students one tweet at a time

Allison Smith

Twitter’s short messages fit his busy schedule

President Lester Lefton has decided to try Twitter out for a year or so. He said he wants to have as close an interaction as possible with Kent State students.

“I want them to know me and for me to know them, and it’s a good way to stay in touch,” Lefton said. “Between Facebook and Twitter, it is the principle way that today’s 18 to 30-year-olds are communicating. They use it more than they use e-mail.”

Lefton said he has two Twitter accounts, a private one for friends and family and the public one. He also has a private Facebook page. Lefton said he’s using Twitter more often than Facebook now.

“I’m using the Twitter account more than anything, in part because it’s limited to 140 characters, so you can’t spend too much time posting photographs and looking at other people’s,” Lefton said. “It’s just an effective way to communicate.”

He said there are things he wants people to know are going on that he’s excited about.

“I try to convey some of the excitement as well as some crucial information,” he said.

Lefton said his favorite part about Twitter is that it’s limited to 140 characters and he can use it with his iPhone. He can write a quick tweet while going from one building to another.

Lefton has responded to a few replies he received from students who are following him, he said.

“There’s only been a couple of questions, and I’ve responded to anybody who has questioned me directly,” he said.

You can follow President Lester Lefton on Twitter @presidentlefton. Here are his last six tweets:

• “Traffic jams on the Kent Campus!”

• “Just back from the student center. The refreshed first-floor looks great. Bright and welcoming. :)”

• “Campus is buzzing. It’s great to have everybody back.”

• “Rain putting a damper on new freshman activities. Rain, rain go away. Although better than snow.”

• “Met with Daily Kent Stater editorial board for a wide ranging chat about the challenges & opportunities of the coming year. Good discussion”

• “Freshman convocation today. Very different this year. Should be great.”

Contact administration reporter Allison Smith at [email protected].

Hear what Lefton has to say about Twitter.