Steelers fans get pumped for Sunday’s showdown

Anthony Holloway

Traditionally Browns ground bled black and gold this week

Across campus, some of Kent State’s Pittsburgh Steelers fans are finalizing plans for the Super Bowl as the their team prepares to take on the Arizona Cardinals Sunday evening in Super Bowl XLIII.

Throughout the week, they wore their jerseys and memorabilia as they took over what might normally be Cleveland Browns’ territory.

Sophomore finance major Sarah Bargar said she is confident the Steelers will win, but recognizes the game won’t be easy. She predicts a 21-14 win by the Steelers.

“They (the Cardinals) won all of their playoff games, so they must be good,” Bargar said.

Bargar said she plans on sticking with her tradition of eating a big meal before the game. The meal usually consists of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and another side. Bargar, who is a native Pennsylvanian, plans on staying around Kent for the game.

“I am just going to a friend’s house to watch the game and have a good time,” Bargar said.

Sophomore justice studies major Kyle Yator, another Steelers fan, sees the game slanted more towards Pittsburgh.

“I think it should be a lot easier than the last two games,” Yator said. “The defense will dominate Arizona.”

Yator predicted a 27-17 Steelers win, and said he plans to watch the game in his dorm room or in the lobby of McDowell Hall. Whereever he decides to watch the game, Yator said he must wear his Troy Polamalu jersey.

“When I haven’t worn it this year, they have lost,” Yator said.

Cleveland Browns fans are split on for whom they’ll be rooting.

Sophomore visual communication and design major Anthony Giangrande, a Cleveland Browns fan, will be watching and rooting for the rival Steelers.

He said his roommate is a Steelers fan, so he’s familiar with the way they play.

“They are so fun to watch,” Giangrande said. “Because they make plays happen.”

Bryan Satterfield Jr., another Brown’s fan, said he plans on cheering for the Cardinals on Sunday while he watches the game with his fraternity brothers of Delta Chi.

“It’s going to be a tough game,” Satterfield Jr., a broadcast journalism major, said.

The game is set to start at 6:28 p.m. Eastern Time on NBC with pre-game coverage starting at noon.

Contact news correspondent Anthony Holloway at [email protected].