Tri-Towers sees most police activity

Kelly Byer

Certain areas host higher amounts of illegal activity

Credit: DKS Editors

Arrests for disorderly conduct mostly occur at Tri-Towers while the most underage drinking arrests happen on front campus, according to Kent State police records from this semester.

The records indicate certain campus locations are prone to higher amounts of criminal activity, despite arrests and reports for underage drinking, disorderly conduct and other types of illegal activity across campus.

“I think the place that I see the most reports coming out of, as far as criminal mischief and vandalism and things like that is out of Tri-Towers,” said Sgt. Joe Hendry of the Kent State Police Department.

Before joining the police, Hendry worked for campus security starting in 1986. As an aide in both Eastway and Tri-Towers, Hendry said Tri-Towers kept him busier.

“That area of campus has always been that way historically,” he said. “That, just over the years, has been an area where people congregate, and when you have lots and lots of people, you usually have lots and lots of problems.”

Zaki Hazou, assistant security manager for residence services, also identified Tri-Towers as the source of many incidents, which is why those residence halls have extra security.

“As far as security is concerned, we’re still doing four rounds per night,” Hazou said, referring to the average number of rounds for residence halls. “For Wright Hall and Koonce Hall, we increase that number by one.”

Criminal damage, criminal mischief and theft are also prevalent in residence halls. The reports of criminal mischief and damage often result from alcohol and student frustrations, he said.

“Sometimes, I think that’s why there ends up being a hole in the wall somewhere where there wasn’t one before,” Hendry said.

Hazou said noise is another common policy violation in residence halls.

“The most incidents we get called to are usually noise, noise complaints, and then followed by alcohol,” Hazou said, as noise complaints sometimes lead to the discovery of alcohol violations.

In terms of drinking, Hendry said students who draw attention to themselves attract police attention.

“If you’re walking down the street, screaming at the top of your lungs, that would usually draw attention to yourself,” he said.

Police are more likely to become suspicious of students who hide their hands when a police car drives by, don’t acknowledge an officer who’s walking toward them, change direction upon seeing an officer or sink down in their car when police drive past, he said.

“There’s a number of things that people do that you kind of scratch your head because they’re basically yelling, ‘Hey, I’m over here,'” Hendry said.

Contact safety reporter Kelly Byer at [email protected].