Biden winds through Warren

Marcus Barkley

The crowd at the Warren Community Amphitheatre on Tuesday morning may not have been in the multiple thousands like other events for both parties in the Buckeye state. But still the faithful fans of Joe Biden and Barack Obama managed to resonate their fervent support as Biden spoke about the errs of the McCain campaign and the plans Obama has for the nation if he is elected in November.

“We’re not going to be waiting for our luck to change,” Biden said. “We’re going to change our luck – because that’s what Americans do.”

Though Obama has been cautious to attack his Republican opponent during his rallies, Biden seemed to have no problem working the crowd into a frenzy by coming down on the McCain campaign for its stance on the economy and health care.

“(Unlike John McCain) we’re not going to tax your health care,” Biden said. “Where I come from, that’s what I call a ‘bridge to nowhere.'”

Aside from his attacks on McCain, Biden spoke often and with vigor about his and Obama’s plan to stand up for the middle-class worker and family. This includes a windfall tax on oil companies that would translate into a tax rebate for families in the upcoming winter months as well as a commitment to create 2 million new jobs. About 76,000 of these new jobs would be created in Ohio.

Biden’s commitment to the working class struck a chord with the crowd, which included many union workers.

“I think Biden did great,” said Robert Holton, a representative for the International Union of Operating Engineers from Youngstown. “He talked about the Employee Free Choice Act, which is what I do for a living. I think we’re going to be able to turn this country around.”

Though much of the support at the Warren rally was local, a number of people from beyond the Ohio lines came out to cheer for Biden.

“The UFCW (United Food and Commercial Workers Union) is here volunteering to help with Obama’s campaign,” Sharon Trout of Nashville, Tenn., said. “I think it’s critical that Obama is elected, and we feel that it’s critical that we win Ohio so that we can win the election.”

It is nearly a nine-hour drive from Nashville to Warren, but the southern supporters seemed undaunted by the miles and ready to get the word out for Obama.

“I came here to help make a change,” said Curtis Murray Jr. of Nashville, Tenn. “I’m very confident (Barack Obama) will be on top – I’m confident on November 4th, you’ll see us celebrating.”

Contact public affairs reporter Marcus Barkley at [email protected].