Your representatives at Kent State

Katie Garland

Undergraduate Student Government is your voice to university administration

The Undergraduate Student Government is a student organization that represents students and their ideas. With a recently updated government structure, USG has more members and more money to fund programs.

USG’s main focus is allocating money to other student organizations and programming events with its own money.

“We are here to represent students to the administration,” Executive Director Jonathan Bey said.

Bey said a little-known fact is that USG offers free blue books for students who are taking exams. USG also runs a judicial advocates program to help students who are going through Judicial Affairs.

“I don’t think that students realize how much authority that USG has,” said Scott Sherwood, director for student advancement.

With its many connections to the college and community, USG offers students the chance to meet anyone from the president of the university to the city manager.

To be a member of USG, students have to be in good academic standing. Elections are in the spring, and anyone from freshmen to seniors are eligible to run.

“The best way for freshmen to get involved is to join any university committee and come to the meetings,” Bey said. “Another way to establish yourself would be to join an organization.”

Being a part of any organization has its benefits, and USG is no different.

“USG teaches you how to deal with situations when your first idea doesn’t work; its about recovery and re-planning,” Bey said. “It also looks great on a résumé.”

USG meetings are held at 4 p.m. every Wednesday in the Governance Chambers on the second floor of the Student Center.

USG will have booths at Back to School BlastOff and the Black Squirrel Festival. It will also host four large concerts this school year.

Contact student affairs reporter Katie Garland at [email protected].