Letters to the editor

McCain is the most liberal of the Republicans

Dear Editor:

In response to Matthew White’s column in Monday’s Stater, Sen. John McCain is liberal. Look at his record on taxes, the economy and immigration. Agreed: He is the lesser of three evils. Agreed: He would stay the course in Iraq and keep the U.S. on the attack of terrorism unlike the other two. Disagreed: He will be the next president. Too many conservatives, not Republicans, moderates or independents, will sit out the election because of his liberal record.

McCain wouldn’t think of getting on a conservative talk show. Of course the New York Times endorsed him. Simply look at some of his other endorsements: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rudy Giuliani and his possible running mate Joe Lieberman. Giuliani, who is an ex-democrat and liberal at heart? And if McCain dare choose Joe Lieberman, an independent, as a running mate, conservatives will choose Mike Huckabee (who needs about 85 percent of the remaining delegates) or, worse, no one at all. I’m re-registering as a conservative, the core of the Republican Party, in case McCain forgot.

Andrew Glaab

Sophomore political science major

Determining priorities

Dear Editor:

Where should I begin, and how many examples should I provide, to describe fairly the apparent spending priorities of our top university administrators?

Alleged extravagant spending overseas; paying high fees for doctoral studies of an apparently ill-qualified VP; appointing yet more university administrators; escalating the budget for a downscaled, less community-involved MLK Jr. Commemoration?

I suppose we could expect, therefore, similar (good) salary increases for our most important employees: The faculty and staff.

But, really, the precedents seem more likely to lead to the usual conflict over that issue.

And I also note a recent report of the use of a special formula to allocate funds to our (too many) colleges.

What a smack in the eye for the arts – not just the college. Perhaps regression to the ordinary is the plan.

For this shows poor judgment and an apparent lack of understanding of a crucial KSU responsibility to promote the arts in higher education, and in the community and the region, in order to enrich our culture and quality of life.

What can be done to return to balance and sensitivity?

Geoff Broadhead

Professor of exercise, leisure and sport