A Country Boy At Heart

Heather Stawicki

Instead of attending lectures and studying for exams, Cory Trenchard, 20, decided to spend his life farming. “I have grown accustomed to the wide openness of the country,” Trenchard said. “I like it a lot.”

Trenchard spends his time farming at KM Livestock Farms, located sixty miles southwest of Cleveland in the small rural town of Belden. The Mezurek family runs the cattle farm, which supplies the heart of America with its fresh beef. The farm requires constant work and attention from sun up to sun down.

Trenchard spends his time on the farm taking care of the cattle.

Trenchard said he loves his line of work because “it’s a part of the U.S. economy, and it’s a dying business that (we) are trying to keep alive.”


Story and Photos by Heather Stawicki.