Writing Center will have a new home

Justin Armburger

If students go to Satterfield Hall this spring in order to get help from the Writing Center, they may find themselves walking into an empty office.

The Writing Center, currently located on the third floor of Satterfield Hall, will move to its new home in the University Library sometime next semester. The exact date has yet to be determined.

Jeanne Smith, director of the Writing Center, said that because of the center’s increase in popularity the size of the current office is no longer sufficient.

“It’s about the size of a small classroom in Satterfield or Bowman with interior walls inside,” Smith said. “It’s a lot of people in a small place.”

Tutors at the center help students understand assignments, explain how to write academic papers and give tips and ideas of how to start assignments.

The center, which has been in Satterfield Hall for more than a decade, will now be located on the fourth floor of the University Library, which Smith said is an ideal location for the Writing Center.

“I almost can’t count how many ways the center will benefit from being at the library,” Smith said. “In a way, it’s the perfect place to be.”

The move is especially beneficial to students because of everything the building offers.

“It will help students because of all the other resources in the library like the reference center and the computers,” Smith said.

While the center will be expanding, it’s not certain whether more tutors will be hired to help out.

“In the director’s ideal world, we’d like a lot more people (to help tutor),” Smith said. “But first we have to build the house.”

Contact science reporter

Justin Armburger at [email protected].