Vote for king and queen

2007 Kent State Homecoming Court Members

Online voting through FlashLine will begin today at 8 a.m. through Friday at noon. Students can only submit their votes once.

Sarah Bowen

Sponsoring Organization: Alumni Relations

Major: Organizational Communication

Minor: Spanish

Hometown: Ravenna

Campus Involvement: Honors College, Kent Student Ambassadors (President), Dive member, leader of Week of Welcome

Career Goal: To work in international communications.

Fondest Kent State Memory: Winning the annual Dive powder-puff football tournament.

Why She Deserves A Crown: I really enjoyed my Kent State experience, have worked hard to achieve my goals and would love to represent Kent State for years to come.

Michael Love

Sponsoring Organization: Delta Zeta Sorority

Major: Integrated Mathematics

Hometown: Kent

Campus Involvement: Dive, Campus Crusade for Christ, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, Relay For Life Planning Committee, Student Ambassador, Mortar Board

Career Goal: Being in a career that makes me excited to go to work and makes me feel like I’m doing some type of good for someone.

Fondest Kent State Memory: Going and being a part of Greek Conference with Delts and the Dive.

Why He Deserves A Crown: I would say I don’t know. What I do know is that are a lot of hard-working people at Kent State that deserve that honor. I just try really hard to be the best person I can be at Kent State. I’m just trying to make the people that nominated me and my friends and family proud because they deserve this just as much as I do.

Coleman Caster

Sponsoring Organization: Alumni Relations

Major: Organizational Communications

Minor: Applied Conflict Management

Hometown: Barberton

Campus Involvement: Kent State Cheerleader, Student Ambassadors, Sigma Nu International Fraternity, Judicial Vice President, Inter-Fraternity Council, Kent State Ski and Snowboard Team member, campus representative for Monster Energy Drink

Career Goal: I would like to own a business and be wealthy enough to give back to the community and help out others in need. Without help, I would not be where I am today. I believe in the theory of “what goes around comes around,” and I feel that it is my duty as an individual to make myself successful enough to be able to help others.

Fondest Kent State Memory: Being a college student for the first time four years ago knowing that one day I would be a Kent State graduate. Also being a member of the 2006 Kent State Cheerleading Nationals Team, being selected to represent Kent State on the 2007 Homecoming Court, accepting the Matthew Butts Greek Vision Award and being a member of Sigma Nu Fraternity.

Why He Deserves A Crown: In checkers, a king is a piece that has been moved entirely across the board and has been crowned, allowing itself to be moved in any direction. I believe that Kent State has been my board, and by being as involved as I have been at Kent State, I believe that I have crossed that board and am ready to move in any direction. I also believe that I am a direct representation of what it takes to be a college graduate and a successful individual. By having such an honor, I am representing something larger than myself and that is all of the organizations that I have been a part of and all of those people. I also believe that I am a man of honor and character and am a representative of student leadership. I don’t believe that it is an issue for what the university can do for me but what I can do for the university. What I feel I can do is represent the university and my fellow students in a positive manner because I believe I am a symbol of student leadership.

Preston Michum

Sponsoring Organization: All Campus Programming Board

Major: Political Science

Minor: Pan-African Studies

Hometown: Dayton

Campus Involvement: All Campus Programming Board (Vice President), KSU-NAACP (President), Pre-Law Club (President), Former Undergraduate Student Senator (Vice Chair, Senator for Academic Affairs, and Senator for Student Advancement), Black United Students, Phi Sigma Pi National Co-Ed Honor Fraternity (Scholarship Chair), D.Y.N.A.S.T.Y. Elite Dance and Drill Team, Search Committee for Academic Affairs and Provost, Student Leadership Development Board, University Requirements Curriculum Committee, Student Quality Advisory Committee, Upward Bound Mentor

Career Goal: To become an attorney and practice criminal defense or civil rights law. It is my desire to help the “lower-economic” community.

Fondest Kent State Memory: This is difficult because Kent State has provided me with many opportunities. Every year, the Center for Student Involvement has a Spring Leadership Awards Ceremony. In 2006, I humbly accepted the “Student Leader of the Year Award.” This was a very fond moment because I love organizational and community involvement and to get recognized for it is such a rewarding accomplishment.

Why He Deserves A Crown: The reason why I believe I should win the crown is simply because of my dedication and love for Kent State. I believe I am a very humble student leader who has taken the time to get to know many students and their concerns. It would be an honor to represent Kent State as the 2007 Homecoming King.

Katie Gazzuolo

Sponsoring Organization: Lower Plaza

Majors: Business Management and Marketing

Hometown: Livermore, Calif.

Campus Involvement: Kent Student Ambassadors, Student of Scholarship, Resident Assistant, Beta Gamma Sigma, Super Service Saturdays

Career Goal: To be the V.P. of sales or marketing for a Fortune 500 company.

Fondest Kent State Memory: My first Halloween at Kent State. That’s the night that I knew that friendships were going to last. It’s one of the reasons why I decided to stay in Ohio.

Why She Deserves A Crown: I am involved, but I’m not the lead role. There are thousands of students who make the difference at Kent. There are the people who come up with the ideas. There are those who act on the ideas and the events and planning to make things happen. For the majority of the time, I’m not the one who actually plans the activities, but I’ll be the one that’s there and working on the behind-the-scenes works that makes the event successful.

Sponsoring Organization: Kent Student Ambassadors

Major: Visual Communication Design

Minor: Marketing

Hometown: Streetsboro

Campus Involvement: Kent Student Ambassadors (participation chair), American Institute of Graphic Artists (co-president), Glyphix designer, First Year Experience Desk Receptionist (senior Student Desk Receptionist), Student Alumni Association, Relay For Life, Week of Welcome leader, Hall Council (Upper Plaza, FYE), National Residence Hall Honorary.

Career Goal: graphic designer

Fondest Kent State Memory: One night freshmen year, I was walking back to my residence hall. The university was installing sidewalks and lighting there, and the ground leading to the door was torn apart and was thick mud like quicksand. I lost both of my flip-flops trying to walk to the door. My friends and I searched with garbage bags tied up to our knees and flashlights – no shoes. Within a couple days, the cement had been laid. I guess you could say my footprints are permanently cemented here, or shoes at least.

Why She Deserves A Crown: I don’t see it as an election; I see it as an honor just to be on court. Period.

Cassie Neumann

Sponsoring Organization: Alpha Psi Omega (Theatre Honorary)

Major: Integrated Language Arts and Theatre Studies

Minor: English

Hometown: Brunswick

Campus Involvement: Alpha Psi Omega, Upper Plaza RA, Theatre Roundtable, Honors College, Newman Center

Career Goal: To become a high school or middle school theater and language arts teacher.

Fondest Kent State Memory: Collaborating on Theatre Lab Shows in “the B00,” working with fun and creative people and learning to put a play together on no budget and very little rehearsal time. Also, late night Theatre History class study sessions, figuring out essay questions at 2 a.m. and trying to call Oscar Brockett (author of our textbook).

Why She Deserves A Crown: I am representing that smaller diverse community (arts and theater majors) that isn’t traditionally involved in homecoming activities. I’ve been very much involved on campus. I feel like I’m a well-rounded student, and I thought it would be a fun experience. I mean, not everyone can say they were on their homecoming court.

Aaron Rex

Sponsoring Organization: Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity

Major: Music Education

Hometown: Perrysburg

Campus Involvement: Kappa Kappa Psi – National Honorary Band Fraternity (current President), Ohio Collegiate Music Education Association, Kent State University Marching Golden Flashes(Trombone section leader), Kent State University Wind Ensemble, Kent State University Chorale, Flasher Brass, Kent State University Jazz Ensembles, Kent State University Men’s Chorus, Delta Omicron – Professional Music Fraternity, former Resident Assistant

Career Goal: To instill a passion for music in my future students just as my teachers and professors have in me.

Fondest Kent State Memory: Being involved in the Kent State Bands and Kappa Kappa Psi has given me an overwhelming amount of memories, and I can’t narrow it down to just one. My involvement in these two outstanding organizations has molded me into the person I am today.

Why He Deserves A Crown: I feel over the years at Kent State, I have been given the opportunity to show my pride over and over again as a member of the marching Golden Flashes. I feel being crowned king would be another chance to lead my peers and give back to Kent State.

Ryan Patterson

Sponsoring Organization: Kent Student Ambassadors

Major: Music Education

Hometown: New Philadelphia

Campus Involvement: Kent State Student Ambassador, Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, Campus Tour Guide, Ohio Collegiate Music Educators Association, American Choral Directors Association, Kent State Chorale, Kent State Men’s Chorus

Career Goal: High school choral music director.

Fondest Kent State Memory: Spending time with my Kent State friends at games, formals, concerts, and lots of other fun stuff.

Why He Deserves A Crown: I hope that I will get votes because I have been a student leader on campus and because I have given back to Kent State. I have been a campus tour guide for three years and being a Kent Student ambassador for two year. I want to be able to represent all of my friends that I have met while I have been involved. I’m trying to look at the bigger picture: It’s an honor to be on the Homecoming Court, and I want to represent Kent State.

Amanda Vasil

Sponsoring Organization: Public Relations Student Society of America

Major: Public Relations

Hometown: Olmsted Falls

Campus Involvement: Web Coordinator of KSA, four-year active member

– President of PRSSA, Resident Assistant, Daily Kent Stater sports reporter, Public Relations Coordinator for Flash Communications

Career Goal: My career goal in public relations is to make sure I never get bored. There is so much I can do with a degree in public relations, and my goal is to work in as many facets of it as possible. I am very passionate about athletic communications, so to be able to work for a university or professional team would be a dream come true. But no matter what, I hope I am able to experience a lot and be happy while I’m doing it.

Fondest Kent State Memory: Honestly, being chosen for Homecoming Court is probably going to be my proudest memory looking back on all four years at Kent State. But, until this point, my fondest Kent State memory occurred when I was a resident assistant in Allyn Hall, specifically my second year, and I held my last floor meeting of the year. Looking around at all my residents and seeing how much they had grown and infused themselves into the Kent State community was incredibly touching, and I was, and still am, extremely proud of them

Why She Deserves A Crown: I wouldn’t necessarily say that I deserve the crown because it makes me sound like I think I’m better than everybody. I don’t think that receiving the crown has anything to do with the long list of the number of organizations or jobs you have done on campus. I really think that everybody contributes in his or her own way. I think for me personally, I came to Kent State willing to contribute to a community. By having a lot of heart and a lot of pride for what Kent State has given me these past four years, receiving a crown would be more of an honor than something I deserve.

Lyndsay Petruny

Sponsoring Organization: Kappa Tau Alpha

Major: Broadcast Journalism

Hometown: Center Township, Pa.

Campus Involvement: Kappa Tau Alpha National Honor Society, TV-2 sports anchor, TV-2 basketball sideline reporter, NewsOhio anchor, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Golden Key International Honor Society

Career Goal: Anchor and sideline reporter for a major sports network.

Fondest Kent State Memory: Rushing the court with hundreds of other Kent State students and fans at the ‘Q’ after the Flashes beat Toledo in the 2006 MAC Basketball Championship

Why She Deserves A Crown: I just really want a chance to show how much I genuinely love this school. I think being crowned homecoming queen would be very humbling and would allow me to display my gratitude for what this school has done for me. My academic and social experiences here have exceeded my expectations and have more than fulfilled what my ideal college life would be like. I’m really passionate about this school because I don’t know any school like this, that has so many students, but is such a tightly knit college community.

John Wetmore

Sponsoring Organization: Undergraduate Student Senate

Major: Human Development and Family Studies

Minor: Non-Profit/Human Service Management

Hometown: Canton

Campus Involvement: Current Undergraduate Student Senator for Governmental Affairs – Undergraduate Student Senate, Vice Chair – USS Allocations Committee, President (Former) – The Sigma Chi Fraternity, Student Input Advisory Committee, KIC Food Committee

Career Goal: Work in higher education administration

Fondest Kent State Memory: Watching the Kent State men’s basketball team win the MAC Championship and head on to the NCAA tournament my sophomore year.

Why He Deserves A Crown: What it really comes down to is that I’ve made the most of my college career. I think that’s what most college students aspire to – to make the most of their social, academic and extracurricular activities. And that’s one thing I’ve tried to embody as I go through college. When you look at the homecoming court, and when it comes down to it, we’re you’re everyday average students. We’re not superheroes. We’ve just taken an initiative to leave our name and a mark on the university.