Feminism: Ancient Greek style

Kristen Kotz

More than one reason to love this reinterpretation of a classic

Who knew a 1,500-year-old Greek play could be this funny?

The School of Theater and Dance’s production of “Lysistrata” is hilarious.

This classic Greek play by Aristophanes tells the story of a battle of the sexes. In order to end war, the women of Athens and Sparta vow to abstain from sex until their husbands reach a peace agreement. This theme is something audiences today can still relate to.

Nicole Perrone, graduate student in fine arts acting, is wonderful as Lysistrata. She plays her character with energy and enthusiasm, which helps bring the audience into the play. Her punchlines are also delivered in perfect time, which helps to move the play and maintain the comedy.

Jokes come fast and furious in “Lysistrata,” so pay attention. Costuming plays an important role as enlarged body parts on both males and females add to the humor of the play. The Spartan women have overly emphasized breasts, for example.

Christopher Richards, junior musical theater major, also deserves praise for his portrayal of Clistenes, a homosexual male who joins the women in the sex strike. His facial expressions and body language keep the audience laughing.

The men try to get the women to renege on their oaths while the women try to seduce the men to get them to make peace. This makes for great comedy.

One scene that stood out involves one of the women leading her husband to believe she is going to break her promise. Her husband thinks she is talking adoringly to him, only to figure out that she is speaking to their baby. The men also have their fun with the women in a “parade of manhood” that leaves the women in a tizzy.

The play also has some modern elements, which make it more relatable for college students. Short clips of modern music play at timely moments in the play and add humor to the story.

While “Lysistrata” is a worthwhile see, those who are easily offended might want to stay away, due to the crass humor and sexual innuendo in the show. It is definitely not for children. Its theme of peace is something that everyone can relate to in a time of war.

Contact all correspondent Kristen Kotz at [email protected].