Friday is Annual Liquid Crystal Day

DKS Editors

The Liquid Crystal Institute will hold its annual Liquid Crystal Day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday in the Samsung Auditorium.

Those who plan to attend the free event must register on its Web site at

The morning program begins with an opening speech by John West, vice president of research and dean of graduate studies, and continue, with presentations from guest speakers and graduate students from the institute.

The afternoon program begins at 1:45 with a scientific poster session. Each presenter will be able to have scientific discussions with the public. There will also be lab tours and exhibitions from local companies. The event will then pick up with more presentations and an overview of the institute’s history. It will close with an awards presentation.

The afternoon program is suitable for everyone, while the morning is more scientific, said Robin Selinger, a professor in the chemical physics interdisciplinary program.

Invited speakers are Dave Walba from the University of Colorado, Rolfe Petschek from Case Western Reserve University, Kent State alumnus Jim Yuan from CoAdna Photonics and Mary Neubert, emeritus senior research fellow from the Liquid Crystal Institute.

– Justin Armburger