The good and bad of going Greek

Kristina Deckert

Greek life: It seems like it’s pretty black and white. Either it’s something you love or hate. I’ve been on both sides, and I have to say I’m probably one of the few people in the gray area.

During the first couple weeks of my freshman year, I started hanging out at a fraternity house on campus with a few of my friends and eventually even began dating one of the guys. From what I experienced, the men in that fraternity were smart, well-rounded and extremely funny. The fraternity itself seemed to give the guys many opportunities to meet people, to do fun things and to help out the community.

So when I was asked to pledge to a sorority during spring informal recruitment, I thought, “What the hell. Why not?” If the sorority was anything like that fraternity, I thought it’d be a great experience.

It was a great experience, but I guess sororities just aren’t my thing. I had some difficulties dealing with the secrecy that surrounded me during my pledge period, new costs seemed to pop up everywhere and the girls who’d brought me in dropped out. Soon, these situations got out of hand, and I decided to remove myself from the sorority.

Here’s where I share what I’ve learned from the experience: Joining a social Greek organization is just like joining any other student organization on campus, whether it be College Republicans, the Art History Club or the Daily Kent Stater. Just a couple aspects are different for sororities and fraternities.

You will have to pay fees, and they can add up depending on which house you decide on. Also, things that happen within the organization, even pretty important things, may be kept secret from you, especially during your pledge period. But there are many positive aspects, too. I met some amazing people in my sorority and in the Greek community in general, and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

College is a time to find yourself, and Greek organizations can really help you do that. They give you a place within the college community and provide you with connections to other people and other student organizations on campus. Sororities and fraternities also allow you to network with people who may even connect you to a great job when you graduate. The possibilities are endless.

So here’s my final word: There are quite a few things, good and bad, that come with going Greek. I encourage every single person who is reading this right now to make the effort to at least check out a couple fraternity or sorority houses and decide if Greek life is right for you. I recommend going to as many as you can in order to make the most informed decision possible.

Joining a Greek organization – or any organization on campus – will make your college experience much more fulfilling.

You don’t just have to go to class, do homework and drink some beer on the weekends. There’s so much more out there – give it a chance and take total advantage of it. You won’t regret it.

Kristina Deckert is a sophomore information design major and design editor for the Summer Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected].