Virginia Tech remembered amid May 4 services

Christina Stavale

When Sarah Lund-Goldstein, a member of the May 4 Task Force, heard about the Virginia Tech shootings, she knew she wanted to do something.

To honor the victims, she came up with the idea of ringing Kent State’s Victory Bell on the Commons.

On Friday morning, students and community members gathered as Lund-Goldstein rang the bell 32 times. She said the decision to ring the bell 32 times, rather than 33, was a decision on behalf of the task force.

She said the bell ringing was not meant to be a political statement.

“We do this in solidarity for another grieving campus,” she said.

As a parent, Lund-Goldstein said such tragedies have a strong impact upon her when she imagines herself in the place of those who are suffering from the loss of a child.

“No parent should loose their child before their time,” she said.

She added that Kent State’s connection with Virginia Tech is “one of solidarity.”

At this time, Lund-Goldstein said honoring the Virginia Tech victims on May 4 will not be a yearly thing; however, the task force will consider doing it in future years.

Contact academics reporter Christina Stavale at [email protected].