Peace brigade

Tim Magaw

Students hold protest against Iraq war

Students gather to protest against the Iraq War in Risman Plaza yesterday. LESLIE CUSANO | DAILY KENT STATER

Credit: John Proppe

The sounds of anti-war slogans echoed throughout Risman Plaza yesterday afternoon as about 50 protesters took a stand against the Iraq war, now in its fourth year.

“What does democracy look like?” asked Jacquelyn Bleak, one of the organizers of the event and a sophomore political science major.

“This is what democracy looks like,” the group responded.

The demonstration was sponsored by the International Socialist Organization, Queer Liberation Front, Kent State Anti-War Committee and Save the World.

Students held signs with anti-war statements on them, including “Peace Now” and “Purge the Surge,” while chanting slogans such as, “Money for jobs and education, not for war and occupation.”

Save the World President Katie Dougan was one of the students who spoke during the rally.

“We have to be the ones to put an end to (the war),” she said. “Fight against the war. Don’t fight the war.”

Freshman exploratory major Paul Heaverly sat on the steps of Risman Plaza and watched some of the protest. After about 10 minutes, he got up and walked away, shaking his head.

“They’re bringing out all the bad parts (of the war),” said Heaverly, who is a member of the National Guard. “That’s what they’re trying to do. They’re not showing any of the good.”

Sarah Wilson, sophomore political science major, attended the rally and wore a three-foot wide green peace sign. She attended the demonstration as a member of Save the World.

“Our whole mission is to get people educated,” she said. “This is one of the ways we can educate people.”

Before and during the demonstration, members of Save the World passed out water bottles with facts about poverty and other world issues on them.

“We felt one of the things we wanted to do was encourage people to help out and let them know about things going on,” Dougan said.

Bleak said she was happy with the turnout, considering the short time in which the rally was organized.

“Kent State has a rich history of protesting war,” she said. “It’s up to the citizens to show how we feel about this illegal occupation.”

QLF co-chair Katie Troha was one of the students who spoke during the rally. She said she was slightly disappointed with the turnout, but she said it’s important people attend rallies such as this.

“It’s important because a lot people are against the war, but they don’t say anything about it,” Troha said. “Some people have to have someone to take the initiative.”

Contact administration reporter Tim Magaw at [email protected].