PRIDE!Kent to elect new group leaders

Steven Bushong

PRIDE!Kent will elect three new board members and a new position for Amanda Boyd, its current president, on Thursday.

The election comes after the weekend resignations of three board members, which preceded Boyd’s decision to step down as president.

As of yesterday afternoon, there was no one contesting those nominated to fill the new positions: Chris Taylor for president, Carrie Wicks for vice president, Colleen Eltibi for secretary and Boyd for programming director.

Boyd said if anyone wishes to run for a board position, he or she can come to Thursday’s PRIDE!Kent meeting prepared to give a statement. The candidate will then have a week to procure votes before a final election.

“If there are no new opponents, then the positions will be final,” Boyd said.

The resignations of former board members Shawn Szymecki, Katherine Rybski and Clare Ford were the result of tensions among board members and with the Queer Liberation Front, a student group with interests similar to PRIDE!Kent.

Boyd said her decision to step down was based on her inability to take the group where it needed to go due to time constraints — she carries full-time schedules both at work and school.

“I’m trying to graduate in the fall,” Boyd said. “It’s just overpowering, especially with the resignations.”

She contacted Taylor, last year’s president, about returning to his former post.

“He did a great job last year,” Boyd said. “I have no complaints. I think the organization will be better for it.”

After the new board is elected, Boyd said the organization will begin to plan its future interaction with the Queer Liberation Front.

Contact minority affairs reporter Steven Bushong at [email protected].