Enough of trying to be the daddy

Who’s Dannielynn Hope’s father?

The 5-month-old daughter of the late Anna Nicole Smith is being fought over by Smith’s mother and several other men who have come forward to the media and police claiming to be the child’s father. Others have gone on national television claiming they knew her the best and, therefore, should get custody of the child (they never mention the money, but you know it’s on their minds).

They keep coming. What do they all want?

The child, obviously, but also Smith’s millions of dollars that could go to the surviving parent of the child.

Before she died there were just two – her longtime friend and lawyer Howard K. Stern and Smith’s ex-boyfriend, Larry Birkhead.

Stern was listed on the baby’s birth certificate as the baby’s father.

Birkhead, a Los Angeles-based freelance reporter and photographer, claims he dated Smith for two and a half years, according to CNN.

Following Smith’s death, Birkhead requested emergency DNA testing to find who the parents of the child are, but his request was denied, CNN reported.

Then came Prince Frederic von Anhalt. “Who?” you ask. Exactly.

He is the husband of actress Zsa Zsa Gabor and recently came out to the press as a previous lover of Smith and could possibly be the father of Dannielynn Hope. Von Anhalt claims to have had a 10-year affair with Smith, according to CNN.

Whether it’s true or not, why did he only just start talking about the affair? We think we know the answer: You’ll remember his name now.

Bahamian Immigration Minister Shane Gibson is claiming paternity also. Photos appeared of the pair in bed on the front page of The Nassau Tribune Monday, according to CNN. This guy is using her death to seize an opportunity for fame and make a quick buck. He has to know he won’t win the lawsuit, but, hey, he saw himself on TV – and that’s probably all he wanted.

Smith’s bodyguard, Alexander Denk, has even added himself to the list of potential fathers. He claimed to be the baby’s father on the Tuesday edition of “Extra.”

But it’s disgraceful that the death of a woman, regardless of her less-than-honorable legacy, has become, to some, a chance for fame and fortune. There is little talk about mourning the woman who touched their lives. Not until today was there talk about her funeral, and even that has become a battle. It seems they’re going instantly for the money.

It’s hard to see where their hearts are, and it’s even harder to believe their intentions are pure.

Who has the child? Where is the child? Those are good questions, but questions to worry about after interviews with “Entertainment Tonight” and CNN, which leads to another piece of the problem.

The media won’t let this story die, and there seems to be no compassion. Sure, Smith may have been a joke, but the way the media is handling the story seems to only be encouraging people to throw their hats into the paternity testing ring.

So where is the line between story and hype, honesty and selfishness? Either way, Anna is hardly resting in peace.

Everyone wants to be the president for 2008? Nah, everyone wants to be a baby daddy – a Dannielynn Hope baby daddy.

The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board.