Team 100% outlasts Team CCCP

The intramural soccer game on Monday night between 100% and CCCP was highly anticipated and high energy because the players on both teams know each other and play against each other frequently.

The game initiated with a quick goal in about the ?first minute for CCCP by Alexander Moskalow; they caught us sleeping. ?A quick retaliation by team 100%’s Jovan Thompson leveled the game in about the second minute; this back and forth action would be the tempo ?of the game.

CCCP’s Captain Andriy Shyshkov scored early to give ?his team the lead again. CCCP was up by one goal with about one minute left in the first half when Tsemre Tessema of 100% scored ?the equalizer with seconds left.

At the half, the score line read: 100%: 4. CCCP: 4.

The second half would be decisive, and this is when 100% began to pull ahead thanks in large part to striker Takuya Onda and world-class goal keeper Mahlon Rhodes. Takuya was on fire in the second half and contributed a game total of 5 goals and 3 assists.

Tessema scored 2 goals total and 100%’s Thompson scored 3 goals and 1 assist total. 100% outscored CCCP by 7 to 2,respectively, in the second half to give a final score of 100%: 11 and CCCP: 6.

The rematch is at 10 p.m. on Feb 26th and is highly anticipated.

&mdashJovan L. Thompson,

100% captain