Letters to the editor

Remembering Kathleen Wolf

Editor’s note: This letter was written in response to the Sept. 12 Daily Kent Stater story about the death of Kathleen Wolf, who taught at Kent State for 22 years.

To Mrs. Wolf’s husband:

The shock and disbelief of your wife’s passing has created an empty pit in the hearts of her students. She was a true friend, and we felt like we were a part of her second family.

To Mrs. Wolf’s son:

Your mother was so excited about you coming into town to visit her later in the day that she could not stop smiling through her complete 50-minute class lecture.

To Mrs. Wolf’s daughter:

Your mother was so proud of your children.

To Mrs. Wolf’s grandchildren, Kylie and Lane:

We all knew at the moment your grandmother walked into class Monday morning if you two had spent the weekend at her house. Your grandmother would beam a cheerful smile and tell us how much of a pleasure it was to have spent time with the both of you.

To Mrs. Reed:

I feel extreme regret for my procrastination in not getting back to you and Mrs. Wolf on my progress in the college algebra class I was attending in the spring. I had made a sincere plan to visit you both after the hectic beginning of this fall semester had ended.

To Mrs. Wolf:

I just wanted to let you know – I passed my college algebra class!

Kelly Kristidis

Freshman, psychology major

Suggestion for curbing underage drinking

I am writing in response to the article titled “New alcohol policy is bogus” in the Sept. 12 paper.

I am appalled that the university stooped to the lowest of all lows. Ratting students out to their parents! What kind of example are they setting?

Kent State students are responsible for themselves. Students attend universities for freedom, independence and to mature with minimal parental supervision.

I respect the police department and administrative officials who are attempting to find a solution that will not only work, but will also satisfy a majority of the student population on the issue of decreasing the number of underage incidents. However, being a rat is far from an acceptable action.

I have a suggestion that could work. Obviously, parents are a good way to prevent underage drinking, and obviously, underage drinkers don’t want parents in their private lives. The last thing parents want in the mail is a letter from the university saying that their son or daughter has been charged with underage drinking. Parents would rather read about scholarship awards or upcoming ceremonies.

Answer this question: Why do we have police blotters in the Kent Stater? Personal embarrassment?

Here’s my thought: Why don’t you publish the blotters on the Web? Then notify all parents that they have access to university news as well as the blotters. This way, if parents happens to see their sons’ or daughters’ names under the police blotter, then parents can handle it as they please.

With the blotters published on the Web, students can take that risk of their parents finding out about their conviction.

The only set back with this idea would be the image it will put on the university. And I’m sure there are legal issues as to why blotters aren’t already included on the Web site. However, it’s better than being a university known as “The Rat,” and that restricts its students to learn, mature and become respectable citizens of the United States.

Jerome Evans

Graduate student, audiology major