Kent State remembers

About media hype

“I would like to see the new movie, but not yet. I still think it’s a little too soon. One of these days I’ll see it, when I have a big box of tissues.”

Tricia Snyder, Kent State Police patrol officer

“I like the fact that they are showing it all. It’s been a few years, and it’s fresh. It’s better to do it sooner than later so they get it all.”

Freshman pre-journalism major Abby Carter

“I don’t like that the motion picture industry is making money off of the tragedy. I want to see it, but I won’t go. I don’t want to contribute to them making money off of it.”

Freshman fashion merchandising major Jackie Rager

“All the hype upsets me. I don’t like the idea of companies making a profit off of a fairly recent and very horrible tragedy. It’s sick, and if I lost someone in 9/11, I don’t think the hype would help my healing process in any way. I refuse to watch any of them.”

Junior psychology major Brittany Kunda

“If they tell a true story, then I think it is OK.”

Karol Spano, Kent State housekeeping employee

On the attack

“Terrorism wasn’t the first thing I thought about. It was really just a confusing state. We didn’t expect anything of that caliber to happen.”

Sophomore English major Douglas Hite

“Our history teacher came in crying, rolling in a TV behind her. There was no announcements or bells that day.”

Senior political science major Sarah Rubens remembering Sept. 11 at Firestone High School in Akron.

“We’re going to war.”

How freshmen exploratory major Romall Smith was woken up on Sept. 11 by a phone call from his friend in the Marines.

“They didn’t let us watch the news — I think we were all almost too young to understand what was happening.”

Freshman education major Chelsea Sudar who was attending a church service at her Catholic middle school during the attacks.

“We had two friends that were in an apartment (close to the World Trade Center). They weren’t hurt, but I think their building got knocked down.”

Freshman psychology major Bethany Briggs

“I was walking into social studies, and he (Smith’s teacher) had the TV on. He was saying, ‘This is actually happening right now.'”

“This one girl’s (in Smith’s eighth-grade class) dad was in the Pentagon. He was on the other side.”

Freshman music education major Chelsea Smith

“I didn’t understand everything that was going on. It was surreal that something was happening to us.”

Sophomore architecture major Andrea Napoletano


“It is important to let it go,” junior economics major David Allen said.

Allen compares Sept. 11 to the May 4th event because people keep bringing up both of them.

“It made me want to travel even more just to prove we’re not scared.”

Senior finance major Eduard Junelov

“My cousin. He was a member of the Air Force. He just got off active duty (after Sept. 11). He had to go to Iraq.”

Freshman exploratory major Rachael Kemmet

“I don’t have family in New York, so I wasn’t too worried. It hasn’t really affected me. I know it has probably affected a lot of people who know someone who died.”

Freshman arts crafts major Jennifer Tyler

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