Hamas win better than you think

By first glance, a supposed terrorist organization coming to power in the Middle East seems like a bad idea. But by focusing on Hamas’ platform, this election could bring change to the Palestinian people.

Political analysts around the world felt their jaws hit the floor as the winners of the Palestinian parliamentary elections were announced. With a 78 percent voter turnout, Hamas claimed 70 of the 132 seats in parliament.

Because the former government, the Fatah Movement, was thoroughly corrupt, Hamas was able to capitalize on its faults. This will force Hamas to stay true to its word and provide Palestinians with reforms. Hamas must now make themselves more legitimate by not promising the destruction of their neighbor, Israel.

Hamas’ platform focused on ending corruption and creating a Palestinian state, according to The Washington Post on Jan. 27. Hamas candidates were chosen from a variety of backgrounds, including computer science, education and medicine. It looks like Hamas did their homework, and it worked.

Female members of Hamas went door-to-door escorting other women to the polls. Vans carried people to polling places. The general feeling of election day was positive. No violence, threats or allegations of fraudulent elections were present.

Upon the election of the new government, the Palestinian prime minister and cabinet resigned. The only remnant of the former government is President Mahmoud Abbas. This is to allow Hamas to have the necessary power to make its promises a reality. The opportunity should be taken seriously and needs to be handled with the utmost care.

Even though the United States refuses to negotiate with terrorist organizations, the U.S. government will have no choice but to embrace the democratically elected Hamas, and it needs to be called on to consider a new view on the Palestinian government and Hamas’ position in the global community.

Other nations are realizing that if the new government is not acknowledged by the world, then problems will develop. According to the New York Times on Tuesday, the United States, Russia, the United Nations and the European Union are all demanding Hamas make some changes to their radical policies.

Already, Hamas has noticed that as an Islamic militant government, there are many negative connotations that go along with its position. However, Hamas does not wish to impose strict Islamic rule on Palestine. The group only wishes to further the development of the Palestinian people. This will mark a meeting of two ideas that most believe are opposing forces. Democracy and Islam can coexist.

There will be some doubt in the early stages of the new government, but Palestine should be applauded for taking the initiative and embracing democracy, because isn’t that what the American people want for everyone?

The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board.