Letters to the Editor

Saddam Hussein: a worldwide threat

Dear Editor:

Apparently, Allen Hines cannot grasp the fact that Saddam Hussein was a terrifying threat to the entire world, not just the U.S. The outdated institution that is the United Nations even issued a resolution threatening force against Saddam, although it clearly lacked the scruples to enforce its own “threat.”

Maybe if France, Germany, Russia and China weren’t busy making a profit from Iraqi sanctions and the Oil for Food program, they would have recognized the “Butcher of Baghdad” for exactly what he was: The world’s worst mass murderer since the days of Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler.

Now on to our justification in particular. When Saddam ordered his anti-aircraft batteries to fire on American planes countless times throughout the 1990s, the United States didn’t lift a finger. This was despite the fact that the first act of aggression against American aircrafts could have been considered an act of war. In addition to this violence, Saddam repeatedly stated that he deeply desired to carry out a massive attack on the United States. In fact, in 1992 the Iraqi government sanctioned and funded an attack in Kuwait on former President Bush.

Let’s talk about weapons of mass destruction. Evidence has shown that most of Saddam’s stockpile was quickly deposited in Syria during the buildup to war. Saddam was no fool. His weapons were moved or sold to other rogue states or terrorist groups. Let’s put some pressure on the Syrians, Iranians, North Koreans and our terrorist prisoners.

I guarantee you’ll find your missing WMDs after some targeted poking and surgical prodding. Hines’ article stated that Iraq was exporting these weapons, and now Mr. Hines wonders where they are?

President George W. Bush did not lie to us. He is, in fact, one of the few honest men left in our nation’s corridors of power, a place I hope Allen Hines never gets to see.

Antonio DeGaetano

Sophomore architecture major


Alaskan oil drilling ineffective, harmful

After reading last week’s Daily Kent Stater editorial, aka Republican talking point, I felt compelled to point out the sad lack of actual informed opinion it contains.

The DKS editorial board recently shared with us their dreams of lower gas prices thanks to the Senate authorizing oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. All I can say is, please hold your breath DKS.

The U.S. Department of Energy’s own Energy Information Administration estimates that 20 years down the road, when the Wildlife Refuge might be at peak production, gas prices would be affected by about a penny per gallon. Even if the most optimistic projections of oil available for drilling in the Refuge are correct, the first drop of oil wouldn’t hit market for 10 years, when it would account for 0.06 percent of oil production.

As for the environmental responsibility of the oil industry, let’s examine the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. According to recent federal studies, oil and gas activities have resulted in more than 350 spills, explosions and fires. Oil and gas drilling on the wildlife refuge has contaminated more than 100,000 tons of soil with toxic chemicals.

I’ll spend a penny, and spare the world the Republican vision of America.

Nathan Solinsky

Senior applied conflict management major