New type of flash fest at Glory Days Tavern

Lauren Polly

Girls will be showing it all at Glory Days Water Street Tavern Saturday night in front of a Girls Gone Wild camera crew, as part of their “Back to School” tour.

Students’ reactions to Girls Gone Wild coming to Kent are mixed.

Mike Beder, owner of Glory Days, said he is allowing the Girls Gone Wild camera crew in the bar because it fits into the atmosphere.

“(There) is nothing wrong with it,” said Beder. “It’s a college bar and is supposed to be a fun party atmosphere.”

Some students share Beder’s opinion of Girls Gone Wild.

“I don’t mind it,” said Jessica Knapp, sophomore business major. “It’s all in good fun. It’s your own personal opinion on whether you do it.”

Girls Gone Wild spokesman Bill Horn said they chose Glory Days because of its proximity to a college campus. Horn said they film the party that is happening in the bar. Girls interested in “going wild” will be taken onto the Girls Gone Wild bus outside, which is considered a safer environment for the girls.

“To each his own,” said Horn. “If you don’t like Girls Gone Wild, don’t come. We have people who come and don’t go wild who have just as much fun.”

The Greek community is not supporting Girls Gone Wild and is advising its members to stay away.

“Not only does it look bad on (a sorority member) personally, It also looks bad on your chapter,” said Nicole Fraser, Panhellenic Risk Management Chair.

Members of the Greek Community have been warned of the consequences of appearing on Girls Gone Wild. Beth Gittons, assistant director to fraternity and sorority affairs, said the issue was discussed at Panhellenic Council meetings as well as Interfraternity Council meetings. In both meetings it was made clear that if a member is at Glory Days participating, they could be dismissed from their chapter. If letters are being worn, they could lose their privilege to wear them. Each Greek chapter is handling this differently.

“I would hope none of our women would participate in a tawdry act,” Gittons said. “People need to think about the consequences of their actions not just for today but how it will affect their future.”

Gittons said she does not have the power to remove anyone from a sorority or fraternity; the chapters have this power, as well as the national headquarters.

Contact Greek life reporter Lauren Polly at [email protected].