I am biased, but so are you

Leslie Arntz

Credit: Beth Rankin

“Religion vs. science” is the misnomer popularly applied to the debate between creation and evolution. Religion vs. religion is more accurate.

According to Webster’s Dictionary, a religion is “a cause, principle or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.” What better describes an evolutionist?

Evolutionists become fiercely defensive when presented with evidence that contradicts their delicate system of beliefs. Considering anything that doesn’t fit would be attacking the core of their belief structure. Evolutionists believe in evolution because they desperately want to. Their goal, at all costs, is to use whatever means necessary to explain away God.

Evolution is the science of the slippery religion of humanism. The belief that rejects any god and finds worth and morals in the self through reason. This can also be termed atheism or scientology, but it all equates to the same thing: blatant rejection of a personal, authoritative God. This belief system lurks under the noses of Americans in the guise of “no religion.”

It stealthily pervades our government, schools and homes. Secular humanists claim a desire to remove creationism, Bible readings, even prayer from schools in order to leave a neutral area for growth, development and learning. Bull crap. They want Christianity out so an anti-God religion can move in.

Everyone has his or her own personal religion and everyone worships something, be it God, Buddha or his or her own self. Denial is not only foolish but illogical. Even evolutionists admit that their theories aren’t indisputable.

“Of course we can’t prove that there isn’t a God,” said Richard Dawkins, a leading atheistic zoologist and evolutionist. He, like many others, puts his faith in a theory regardless of solid proof to the contrary. Facts never speak for themselves. Everything is interpreted by someone who holds his own framework of beliefs and assumptions.

Therein lies the rub: Everyone is biased.

Evolutionists believe time, chance, struggle and death are due credit for current life. God is non-existent. Humans are a random miracle of all these combined.

A person’s world view is undeniably rooted in where he or she believes he or she comes from and where he or she is going. A belief in nothing but chance leaves us unbound by any rules or standards, other than those we choose to impose on ourselves. Moral relativism is the name of that game, and it can have dire consequences.

The immediate effects of a humanistic view can be seen in today’s culture. Pornography, abortion, homosexuality and lawlessness are only a few of the social plagues that have descended upon our country. Who knows what the future may hold as the foundations of laws, marriage, standards and the sanctity of life are shot out from under us.

Even as my ability to logically reason is called to question time and time again by those who seek “free thought,” I will stand alone, if need be.

But I don’t have to. Countless before me, and countless after me, shall repeat, in one manner or another, the idea expressed so well by the author C.S. Lewis: “I see no reason for believing that one accident should be able to give a correct account of all the other accidents.”

Leslie Arntz is a freshman magazine journalism major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected].