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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2



Susan Kirkman Zake May 4, 2020

Bill Arthrell, a witness to the May 4, 1970 shootings at Kent State, digs a hole in order to bury a copy of the Constitution in front of the Victory Bell on the 50th anniversary. Arthrell gave an impassioned...


Susan Kirkman Zake May 4, 2020

A Kent State police sergeant winds yellow rope that was used to cordon off the immediate area around the Victory Bell on the Commons at Kent State University. Jerry Lewis, an emeritus professor of sociology...


Susan Kirkman Zake May 4, 2020

A yellow rope is lifted out of the way so the candles representing the four students killed on May 4, 1970, can be carried to the Victory Bell on the Commons at Kent State. Jerry Lewis, an emeritus professor...

Screenshot from the Facebook Livestream of the Zoom call with Shelby Pratt (top left), Colt Hutchinson (top right), Bernardine Dohrn (bottom left) and Bill Ayers (bottom right).

SDS holds online event to discuss activism movements

Sara Crawford Assigning Editor May 4, 2020

As Kent State University works to remember May 4 and the lives lost, Students of a Democratic Society [SDS] works toward not only remembering what happened 50 years ago, but the student activism that was...

Candlelight vigil brings people together, six feet apart, to remember May 4

Each year, the night before May 4, there is a candlelight vigil for the students killed in the Prentice Hall parking lot in 1970. While the university canceled the event this year due to COVID-19, people...

Avalyn Lund-Goldstein stands vigil inside the memorial space where Sandra Scheuer was shot in the Prentice Hall parking lot by Ohio National Guardsmen at Kent State University on May 4, 1970. The coronavirus forced the university to move the 50th anniversary commemoration events to virtual formats, but a small group of marchers still walked across campus as they have for 50 years since the shooting. Following the march, four people held candles in the spaces where each student fell.

May 3, 2020 candlelight march and vigil

Susan Kirkman Zake May 4, 2020

Despite the coronavirus and the cancellation of the originally scheduled events for the May 4, 1970 50th Commemoration at Kent State University, a small group still followed tradition and showed up in...

1971 May 4 memorial

Susan Kirkman Zake May 4, 2020

A sign that says “Remember Cambodia” hangs on the tree above the 1971 memorial to the four students killed by Ohio National Guardsmen on the Kent State campus May 4, 1970. In the background are the...

Marchers on Main St.

Susan Kirkman Zake May 4, 2020

Candlelight marchers make their way east on Main St. on the edge of the Kent State campus as they commemorate the 50th anniversary of the May 4, 1970 shootings. The coronavirus forced the university to...

Candlelight vigil marchers

Susan Kirkman Zake May 4, 2020

A small group of marchers walk by lantern and candlelight as they make their way across the Commons at Kent State University on May 3, 2020, to remember the shootings on May 4, 1970. The coronavirus forced...

Commons candlelight marchers

Susan Kirkman Zake May 4, 2020

Avalyn Lund-Goldstein (right) holds their candle on the Commons at Kent State as a small group of marchers prepare to walk across the campus on May 3, 2020. The coronavirus forced the university to move...

Vigil 2, Prentice Hall parking lot

Susan Kirkman Zake May 4, 2020

Avalyn Lund-Goldstein stands vigil inside the memorial space where Sandra Scheuer was shot in the Prentice Hall parking lot by Ohio National Guardsmen at Kent State University on May 4, 1970. The coronavirus...

Vigil in Prentice parking lot

Susan Kirkman Zake May 4, 2020

A person holds vigil in the Prentice Hall parking lot as they sit where William Schroeder was shot during protests on the Kent State University campus May 4, 1970. The coronavirus forced the university...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2