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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


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Ray Paoletta is a junior political science major and a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at 

Opinion: Flaws of Ohio judicial campaign rules

Ray Paoletta October 15, 2014

Judges are expected to be nonpartisan, and the goal of lifetime appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court is to allow the justices to turn away from party influences. This same goal is the reason that judges...

Opinion: College teaches life lessons, not just class lessons

Audrey Young October 14, 2014

We are smack in the middle of the semester, which is both exciting and terrifying when you think about all the work that is still left to do—seriously how are there only two months left? The other day...

Ryan McCarthy is a sophomore political science major and a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Our state and country need more politicians like David Worhatch

Ryan McCarthy October 13, 2014

David Worhatch is the Democratic candidate for the 37th District of the Ohio House of Representatives. I've been interning on his campaign since early September, and through canvassing and phone banking...

Maggie Wachtel is a sophomore public relations major and a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: The media needs to stop glorifying mental instability

Maggie Wachtel October 13, 2014

It’s hard to go a day without seeing another troubled celebrity making headlines for his odd behavior. For the last year, it has been Amanda Bynes who has been the target of constant media scrutiny....

Our View: Planning further than pre-gaming

Kent Stater editors October 12, 2014

Students are subject to peer pressure every day of the week, often being pressured to drink alcohol. With Homecoming week upon us, students will most likely be even more tempted to go out with friends...

Katie Smith is a senior public relations major and columnist for the Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: Let’s help, not hurt

Katie Smith October 12, 2014

National Depression Screening Day was Oct. 9, and it was ironically during the same week Amanda Bynes made her valiant return to Twitter.Every few years, a celebrity seems to go completely off the deep...

Skyler Chill is a sophomore organization communication major and a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: How much is too much?

Skyler Chill October 12, 2014

Seventy-two million dollars. That seems like a large amount of money, right? What would you do with $72 million? Maybe buy a new house, or a new car? Well, this figure is how much Lebron James is worth,...

Mike Richards is a senior English major and a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: A faith-fueled debate: Why you should listen to Reza Aslan

Mike Richards October 9, 2014

In case you’ve missed a bit over the past week due to our upcoming Ebola-induced apocalypse, let me catch you up on one story of note.DISCLAIMER: I won’t have the room to fulfill my opinion, so feel...

Jennifer Hutchinson is a sophomore political science major and a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: The Obama name never hurt so bad

Jennifer Hutchinson October 9, 2014

Opinions of a president often change throughout their leadership; sometimes they’re for the better, and sometimes for the worse. President Obama is definitely experiencing the worse.However, who would...

Our view: Time to explore

KS Editors October 8, 2014

When you’re still in high school, the questions begin: Are you going to college? Where are you going? What will you major in? What is your whole life plan?With these questions being fired at us left...

Marvin Logan is a senior Pan-African studies major and columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Media distraction in the news

Marvin Logan October 8, 2014

One thing that interests me is how much control the media have today. After the deregulation of media in the 1990s, news and TV have a much different look. News stations no longer have to maintain a responsibility...

Guest column: No threat more threatening than climate change

Philadelphia Daily News October 8, 2014

In a recent speech to the United Nations, President Barack Obama said that climate change is a more serious threat than terrorism.So, why aren’t more Americans terrified?Parades of panicked politicians...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2