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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2



Opinion: Freak Music!

James Sherman January 28, 2011

Music fanatics are a peculiar bunch. I believe most people fancy themselves to be music fans, but some people (myself included) are music freaks. Kurt Vonnegut famously wanted his epitaph to read: “THE...


Opinion: Ur iniblity 2 spel makes u look stuped

Gregory Porter January 27, 2011

Gregory Porter Gregory Porter is a junior visual communication design major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected]. I never jumped on board with the whole “text...

Our View: Does USG really represent the student body?

DKS Editors January 27, 2011

Our tuition money funds the Undergraduate Student Government. We vote its members into office. We need to hold them accountable for fulfilling the responsibility we have given them. Both the students and...

Guest Column: Google no longer censoring search engine results for China

Ryan Puzycki January 26, 2011

China, a country of more than 1 billion people with arguably the world's fastest growing economy, presents an attractive investment opportunity for many Western companies. However, doing business under...


Opinion: Genius transcends gender

Cassandra Adams January 26, 2011

In a literature course here at Kent State, the professor said these words while giving a lecture, and for some reason they stuck out: “Genius transcends gender.”After furiously scribbling them down...

Our View: Faculty deserve a pat on the back, too

DKS Editors January 26, 2011

Kent State set a record high for spring enrollment this semester. The university reported yesterday that its Spring 2011 student enrollment for the eight-campus system is 39,936, up 4.56 percent compared...


Opinion: Tea Party argues for the Constitution but forgets its content

Bryan Staul January 26, 2011

<!----> Bryan Staul Bryan Staul is a sophomore political science major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected]. The main argument of the Tea Party is that America...


Opinion: When is butting in acceptable?

Sarahbeth Caplin January 26, 2011

You’ve probably been in this scenario before: You’re standing in line at in the Student Center to get food, or you’re at the library or any other spot on campus where space is limited, and there...


Opinion: Where’s the beef, Taco Bell?

Kyle McDonald January 26, 2011

Kyle McDonald Kyle McDonald is a senior magazine journalism major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected]. What comes to mind when you hear the words, “Taco Bell”?Right...

Guest Column: Say “good bye” to unions

Joseph Reino January 25, 2011

I believe unions have held a vital role in the development of workers’ rights in our nation. During the Industrial Revolution, workers were treated as scum by management. Thank God these workers in the...


Opinion: Freedom of speech crash course

Jody Michael January 25, 2011

Links Transcript of her n-word comments Her announcement about ending her show Her appearance on Today Imagine you have a talk radio show. On your show, you offer personal advice to your callers. This...


Opinion: Unspinning the spider’s web

Daniel Sprockett January 25, 2011

For most people, spider webs evoke visions of dusty old attics or dilapidated storage sheds. However, these complex networks of gossamer fibers are one of nature’s most underappreciated feats of evolutionary...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2