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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2



Opinion: No change needed for on-campus dining

Jody Michael January 18, 2011

So the campus dining carousel keeps spinning at a rising speed.Pete’s Arena Pizza is now Damon’s Grill. Quiznos is now Subway. But don’t get comfortable with any of the dining spots because they...

Our View: Paying taxes can help college students establish credit

DKS Editors January 18, 2011

As college students, we are often quick to claim our status as adults. While striving for independence, we begin taking the first steps towards becoming productive members of society. As budding citizens,...

Guest Column: Eliminating tenure for professors could lower the cost of education for students

Joe Bialek January 18, 2011

This letter is in response to the article written by Ronald Stolle of The Columbus Dispatch regarding the elimination of academic tenure as a means of reducing the cost of education for students.In a word:...


Opinion: Sixty years later, still a good read

Mike Crissman January 18, 2011

It has been linked to murders. It is rebellious. It is promiscuous. It contains excessive swearing, drinking and smoking.It is "The Catcher in the Rye."The 1951 novel written by J.D. Salinger follows a...


Opinion: Astrological sign change sparks pointless outcry

Daniel Sprockett January 18, 2011

Disbelief and indignation swept across my social network late last week, as news spread of a change in the zodiac. Earlier in the week,The Star Tribune reported that, due to a “wobble” in the earth’s...

Our View: The art department needs a home

DKS Editors January 18, 2011

Kent State needs to shift its focus from recruiting new students to providing for current students, particularly in the art departmentThe Art Building is, hands down, the most confusing building on campus....


Opinion: Grudges are self-defeating, forgiveness prevails

Sarahbeth Caplin January 18, 2011

While I was at a hostel in Ireland, I found out about the Arizona shootings from a link someone posted on Facebook. Almost as shocking as the event itself were some of the comments that readers left on...

Our View: Remember MLK’s Dream Monday, even though classes are canceled

DKS Editors January 14, 2011

Usually classes don’t start until the Tuesday after Martin Luther King Jr. Day. But this semester, for whatever reason, we’ve started a week earlier. Which means we don’t have classes Monday.No class...


Opinion: Older generations not treated as fairly

Cassandra Adams January 13, 2011

In China, and many East Asian cultures, "filial piety" is a term used to describe the way children take care of their elders. This is done as a way to give back for the upbringing of children along with...


Opinion: What “sane” Americans can learn from the shooting in Tucson

Bryan Staul January 13, 2011

By now we all know about the tragedy in Tucson, Arizona. We have seen the faces of the victims: a youngCongresswoman cut down, a man who was killed while shielding his wife from the hail of gunfire, a...

Our View: Allerton demolition may be bad news for Kent State families, international students

DKS Editors January 13, 2011

Residents of the Allerton Apartments on campus, which include families and international students, will have to find a new home by 2015 at the latest. The university has decided to tear down the apartment...


Opinion: Leave science to the experts

Daniel Sprockett January 12, 2011

The new Republican-led House of Representatives has me concerned for the future of science research funding in the United States. While funding comes from many sources, 20 percent of all scientific research...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2