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League 1 BEST
The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


League 1 BEST

Don’t let your brains fall out

SaraBeth Caplin September 6, 2010

We at Kent State have been blessed with the gift of diversity. For a small-town girl like me, the opportunity to meet people of different faiths, political views and lifestyles has made me a more rounded...

Dear Joel: We want more

Michael Moses September 3, 2010

Welcome to Kent State University! Though we are sad to see Mr. Laing Kennedy leave, we are excited to welcome you to the KSU family and look forward to a new era in Kent State athletics.We, the fans of...

Should there be a mosque near the World Trade Center?

DKS Editors September 3, 2010

Muslim groups in New York recently spoke out on the issue of an Islamic center and mosque near ground zero, saying the issue is about more than a piece of real estate.Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who has been...

Sidewalk Rage

Matthew Colwell September 2, 2010

The air is fresh, Risman Plaza is rebuilt, all your friends are returning – the beginning of the school year is nothing but phenomenal. People flood campus, some with wide eyes, and it all starts to...

You Have the Right to Remain… Totally Confused

Christen Mullett September 2, 2010

Soldiers fight and die to protect them, protesters scribble misspelled signs demanding them, political parties go to war over them, and every political talk show host has an opinion about them, while everyday...

Why Sarah Palin is still an awesome Halloween costume

Kate Noftsinger September 2, 2010

School is back in full swing. You know what that means? Only two months until Halloween!Even light conversation usually heads to the direction of "What are you going to be?" …no one means when you grow...

The summer of hate

Mike Crissman September 2, 2010

I hate LeBron James.Actually, hate’s a strong word. I don’t actually hate him, but let’s just say if he has a career-ending injury in the Miami Heat’s season opener later this year I won’t be...


Nicole Hennessy September 2, 2010

A man sits alone in a room consisting of colors that would be monosyllabic if they were language. His eyes are locked on his cell phone. His arms and hands, which have been relieved of the burden of flesh...

What’s a president’s ambassador, and why do we need one?

DKS Editors September 2, 2010

Kent State has hired an ambassador for President Lester Lefton, and we’re a little unclear what he’ll actually be doing.The PR piece on the university’s website says André Thornton will earn his...

College students should sleep more

Casey Goodwin September 2, 2010

The easy part is over. We’re past the first week of school, with its easy assignments, barely existent homework and elementary lectures.Now comes the serious stuff.Essays, group projects, presentations,...

Antioxidants not an aging cure-all

Andrew Holtzen September 1, 2010

According to popular myth, in 1513 the Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de León left Puerto Rico with a fleet of ships and headed north to Florida in search of a land said to possess magic waters that...

Cheers and Jeers for September 1, 2010

September 1, 2010

Cheers:Cheers to USG for bringing Demetri Martin and 30 Seconds to Mars to the M.A.C. Center this fall.Cheers to Morely Davidson for solving the Rubik's Cube in less than 20 moves.Cheers to a bigger, smarter...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2