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League 1 BEST
The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


League 1 BEST

Ground Zero through a camera lens

Nikolas Kolenich September 13, 2010

I could sense that tension was high on the streets of New York City as the ninth anniversary of the terrorist attacks were greeted with the protest of a potential mosque being built near ground zero. With...

Grants for better classes is an A+ idea

DKS Editors September 10, 2010

Since the semester started, we’ve been pleased to see new renovations all over campus. But perhaps even better than the construction outside, students can now look forward to better classes thanks to...

Keep the moratorium on drilling indefinitely

Editorial Board September 9, 2010

Creating jobs has to be the biggest priority for the Obama administration.In Ohio, where whole cities have shriveled with the decline of industry, we know what it means to lose jobs.But when does creating,...

Who are we? I ask a long-time student

Ben Wolford September 9, 2010

I’ve been stalking the grounds of this campus for nearly four years now, first as a senior in high school, considering myself a cut above my classmates because I was visiting my then girlfriend, a Kent...

Exes ruin love songs

Patrick St. Pierre September 9, 2010

The moonlight filters through the leaves, the music flows with a tempo that stirs the hearts of two young lovers. He places his hand across the small of her back, his other in her palm. She inches closer,...

Forever a fool

Mike Crissman September 9, 2010

And the 2009 MTV Video Music Award for Best Female Music Video goes to . . . Taylor Swift.“Yo, Taylor,” Kanye West said after walking on stage and grabbing the microphone from Swift during her acceptance...

Love isn’t all you need

Nick Glunt September 8, 2010

The textbook resting in my hands had gone mostly unread through the two-hour drive to Erie, Pa. Though homework had piled up during the first week of classes, my Labor Day drive with two of my closest...

Animal rights movement running on empty words

DKS Editors September 8, 2010

Peta2’s campus appearance involved some interesting shock and awe tactics. Instead of comparing human suffering to animal suffering (or showing us bloody animal corpses for that matter), a little less...

Kent resident wants students to tone it down

Kent Resident September 8, 2010

It’s Sunday morning, 1:25 a.m. I’m not sleeping. I can’t sleep. Students have moved back to Kent. My quiet neighborhood has changed. There’s a party, and it’s a loud one. I can’t sleep with...

Don’t let your brains fall out

SaraBeth Caplin September 6, 2010

We at Kent State have been blessed with the gift of diversity. For a small-town girl like me, the opportunity to meet people of different faiths, political views and lifestyles has made me a more rounded...

Tea Party ‘patriots’ need to give specifics

DKS Editors September 6, 2010

After returning from Glen Beck’s big rally last week, the head of the Portage County TeaParty proclaimed at their meeting that they are “the true patriots.”Unfortunately, we’ve heard this all before....

Burning Qurans won’t bring justice to anyone

Mariah Najmuddin September 6, 2010

By now, I’m sure almost everyone knows about the controversy surrounding the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero, but how many people know about the “International Burn a Koran Day” that will...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2