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League 1 BEST
The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


League 1 BEST

KSU’s meal plan: Where’s the beef?

Christopher Hook April 29, 2010

Meal plans are required for all freshmen and sophomores on campus. That’s around 8,000 students living in 24 residence halls. These students have the option of choosing between four plans, ranging from...

Arizona: The unofficial-official police state

Thisanjali Gangoda April 29, 2010

America is, and always will be, a nation of immigrants. Our way of life is constantly influenced by the history and culture of the growing immigrant population. It’s what makes our country beautiful...

Racial profiling is not immigration reform

Marchaè Grair April 28, 2010

The American government made mistakes concerning race relations repeatedly throughout its history, but it seems the government of Arizona might have skipped a history lesson or two.A new Arizona law, which...

Kent State Pros & Cons: Part 1

Garrison Ebie April 28, 2010

Technically I’ve been a senior for two years now and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater for just as long. I find it difficult to express how I feel about graduating, so instead of just one final contribution...

Cheers and Jeers for Wed. April 28

April 28, 2010

Hump Day Check out this weeks cheers and jeers CHEERS TO• Cheers to the participants of Relay for Life on Saturday and Sunday, who didn’t let the rain stop them from their walking. Your efforts...

The new Arizona bill: clear racial profiling

DKS Editors April 28, 2010

What does an immigrant look like? Is he or she white, black, brown or yellow? Is he or she tall or short? Is he or she slender or fat?Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona signed a law Friday that allows police to...

Lessons from Sesame Street for graduates

Sarah Steimer April 28, 2010

This past Nov. 10, the world celebrated my 22nd birthday and the 40th anniversary of Sesame Street. Granted, Big Bird and the gang got a bit more attention than I did, but I think it’s still fair to...

Israel is more than falafel and hummus

David Busch April 28, 2010

Hillel celebrated Israel’s 62nd birthday last Tuesday, and as I walked passed the M.A.C. Center, I reminisced on my travels there. The first falafel I ate on Ben Yehuda Street; the hookah smoke dancing...

Letter from the president: It’s time to renew the Third Frontier

Lester Lefton April 27, 2010

May 4, 2010, will not only be a date of historical significance for Kent State University, it will be one of our state’s most important and far-reaching primary election days in recent memory. That is...

There’s no place like home

Ben Wolford April 27, 2010

LEICESTER, United Kingdom — I’ve often imagined what it would be like to stay in Europe, but America needs all the Democrats it can get.Plus, there are a lot of things I miss from back home. So I think...

Was justice truly served in Barker trial?

DKS Editors April 27, 2010

Before we speak any further, we would like to make note that what happened to Kent State student Christopher Kernich was entirely inexcusable. There is never any reason for anyone to inflict physical anger...

To the class of 2010…

Tom Gallick April 27, 2010

I don’t know who our commencement speaker will be, but I’m working under the theory that we’ll all be underwhelmed. So I thought I’d share some of the more salient thoughts I’ve had during my...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2