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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Jack Kopanski

Opinion: College Football rankings kick off the playoff hunt

Jack Kopanski November 1, 2017

In the fourth iteration of the NCAA’s college football playoff system, this year’s initial rankings, released Tuesday night, were perhaps the best example of why people were calling for this ranking...

Mica Pflug

Opinion: How not to be a leader

Mica Pflug October 29, 2017

There are good leaders, and there are bad leaders. A group dynamic depends on the role of your leader and the responses from the group.Perhaps your boss is laid-back, updates you on information you need...

Maddie Newingham

Opinion: Republicans must denounce Trump through actions, not words

Maddie Newingham October 29, 2017

Democrats are cheering about Senators Bob Corker and Jeff Flake speaking out against President Donald Trump.We are treating them like heroes, but they haven’t actually done anything. Sen. Flake retired...

Drew Taylor

Opinion: Without Democrats, the right has no scapegoat

Drew Taylor October 29, 2017

Recently, Fox News hosted Corey Lewandowski, the former campaign manager for President Donald Trump, to speak on the network.Lewandowski was invited to defend Trump from recent criticism. and in particular,...

Opinion: Ignorance breeds contempt: A response to “Greek life needs an overhaul”

Miranda Marinello October 28, 2017

It’s undeniable that student media has an incredible influence on college campuses across the country.But does it provide an accurate representation of the current climate on campus?Matthew Olienechak’s...

Jack Kopanski

Opinion: The dumpster fire at First Energy Stadium

Jack Kopanski October 25, 2017

I’ve searched and searched for positives about this season, and like many Cleveland Browns fans, have had my patience worn paper-thin with this team.Last season, expectations were simple: The team was...

Matthew Olienechak

Opinion: Greek life needs an overhaul

Matthew Olienechak October 25, 2017

It’s undeniable that Greek life has incredible influence on college campuses around the country, with millions of participants across the country.But do they really add anything of worth?Don’t get...

Opinion: Turning Point USA is opposite of what Kent State stands for

Former Kent State Student Leaders October 23, 2017

As former student leaders at Kent State, we feel obligated to address recent on-campus demonstrations organized by the Kent State chapter of Turning Point USA. These demonstrations do not reflect the values...

Opinion: Me too

Madison Newingham October 22, 2017

The “Me Too” social media campaign has touched and depressed me more than I thought possible.My entire Facebook feed was all of my friends and peers posting they had been sexually harassed or assaulted....

Mica Pflug

Opinion: Use yoga to stay calm this semester

Mica Pflug October 22, 2017

We’re at the point in the semester where our levels of stress, fatigue and coffee consumption are at an all-time high. Classes are swinging into full gear, you may be considering dropping out and you’re...

Drew Taylor

Opinion: Columbus Crew relocation talks a mistake

Drew Taylor October 22, 2017

Earlier this week, Anthony Precourt, the owner of the Columbus Crew, made an announcement that unless the team and city can agree to a new stadium, he would relocate the team to Austin, Texas, in 2019.Major...

Opinion: Wonder Woman and the irreconcilable contradiction of liberal Zionism

Padraigin O’Flynn October 20, 2017

Viewers celebrated the summer blockbuster movie “Wonder Woman” as a feminist breakthrough in film because it shattered gender stereotypes and created a role model for girls who was a symbol of strength...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2