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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Opinion: College Democrats

Jessica Kukura October 18, 2017

The 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal is a pact between seven countries and the European Union: Iran, United States, United Kingdom, Russian, France, Germany.President Obama officiated the agreement on behalf of...

Matthew Olienechak

Opinion: More needs done to combat sexual assault

Matthew Olienechak October 18, 2017

How many sexual harassment scandals are we going to have to suffer through? How many people will we ostracize and offer up as a sacrifice, then go back to business as usual?Every time the people in power...

Opinion: Practicing civil discourse since Congress can’t

River Kale October 18, 2017

College Republicans: Lack of Iranian cooperation justifies Trump's concernsOne of the major hot button topics circling mainstream media last week is President Donald Trump’s views on the Iranian deal....

Maddie Newingham

Opinion: Let’s move on from impeachment talks

Maddie Newingham October 15, 2017

Unfortunately, President Donald Trump will likely not be impeached.While Trump has done things which are arguably impeachable, his actions are unprecedented. We have to remember we cannot impeach someone...

Drew Taylor

Opinion: Trump plays victim at Value Voters Summit in DC

Drew Taylor October 15, 2017

On Oct. 13, President Donald Trump found another way to make himself feel like he’s a victim.At the Value Voters Summit in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Family Research Council, Trump publicly declared...

Mica Pflug

Opinion: Avoid stress this scheduling season

Mica Pflug October 15, 2017

Class scheduling: It’s the most exciting part of the semester, but sometimes it’s the biggest pain in the neck.We are at the time of year again where we begin preparing for the semester ahead and plan...

Nicholas Hunter

Opinion: Past transgressions continue to haunt Eminem

Nicholas Hunter October 11, 2017

Last night, during the BET Hip Hop Awards, a spot aired featuring rapper Eminem delivering a freestyle rap directed at President Donald Trump.Eminem’s message was clear: a fan of Trump he is not.“Any...

Opinion: What’s the point, Turning Point?

Matthew Olienechak October 11, 2017

I’ve decided to step back from the larger problems I’ve been trying to tackle lately and instead focus on a more local issue. Specifically, I’ve been itching to comment on one of our newest student...

Jack Kopanski

Opinion: Stress on campus isn’t a competition

Jack Kopanski October 11, 2017

Throughout four years on a college campus, a student will experience a fluctuating range of emotions. From indescribable elation to chest-tightening anxiety, college students feel it all. Sometimes all...

Mica Pflug

Opinion: Depression screening event lends helping hand

Mica Pflug October 8, 2017

Kent State held its annual community-wide series of depression screenings this past week, an opportunity for students, staff, faculty and members of the community to confront mental health issues in a...

Drew Taylor

Opinion: Connor McDavid usurps Crosby as NHL’s best

Drew Taylor October 8, 2017

It’s only the first week of the new NHL season, and I am going to already make the Pittsburgh Penguins fans that read The Kent Stater angry with what I am about to say.Sidney Crosby is no longer the...

Maddie Newingham

Opinion: Reframing the gun debate

Maddie Newingham October 8, 2017

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”Let’s dissect this, the phrasing of the Second Amendment,...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2